Day 717, 07:40 Published in Italy Japan by Principe Alessandro

The eWorld has changed, our allies changed too and PEACE is no more the same alliance of the past.

This alliance isn't no more a brotherhood but a group of countries (Hungary, Serbia) that deal the other allies as their slaves.

We were PTOed by Croats, Hungarians, that at the time were the APTO team of PEACE, chose instead to PTO Canada to gain the gold of few Congress Medals and leaved Italy to be raped by Croats.

They forced Colombia to attack USA and now Colombia is forced to ask a shameful peace with USA because PEACE won't protect them.

They insulted the French president Lyne only because she hasn't accepted to attack USA, a suicide move that would activate 17 MPPs against France and ironically with the only motive to gain more possibilities for Huns and Serbs to erase the Croat MPPs that they have triggered.

But they managed to force Slovenia to attack for them. Who will protect Slovenia from the Croatians MPPs now that the cost of MPPs rised to 100 gold?

Huns has destroyed also the imagine of the entire alliance in the eyes of the neutral countries, attacking the small, peaceful and neutral country Slovakia, with the only blatant excuse that they host the EDEN wargames; a neutral country can't have wargames with EDEN countries?

You want to erase Malaysia too from the map 'cause many EDEN countries are participating in their wargames?

What a shame this PEACE, dominated by greedy hungarians and serbians that they care more to be stronger than Romania and Croazia.

And all other allies should fight for their holy and nationalistic wars.

But they realized that now in Italy, France and Argentina we hate more Huns and Serbs than EDEN? Hungary realized that now is hated more than Romania?

We don't care if you hate Romanians and Croats, these aren't our wars, we don't care if you opened 13 MPPs against Croats, we aren't as you.

We must leave PEACE and create a new alliance of true brothers, like the old, heroic PEACE that saved France by ATLANTIS.

I know who are our true friends.

Italy, France, Argentina, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay.

Yes Spain is a latin country too, but we can be again friends, maybe France and Spain will forget the past and start to work together as brothers.

I have also a lot of respect for our latin Brothers in Romania. They have a bad past but now Romania is cooler than Hungary.

Maybe we can include also Canada, Switzerland and Philippines that respect the latin language.

I say NO to this PEACE, I say yes to the true PEACE, I say yes to the LATIN BROLLIANCE

Latins Forever Brothers