News from the eGerman Ambassador

Day 909, 09:44 Published in Estonia Germany by Tiuri
Presidential election and new government
MPP with South Korea
Party elections an the inner-german TO

first i want to apologize my inactivity during the last 11 days. Due to sad reasons in the other world it wasn´t possible for me to do more in eRepublik.
But now I´m back and I want to give you some information what happened in Germany the last days.

Presidential elections and new govenerment
It was again an amazing election in Germany. The candidates were Letnix, the president in April, tmv23 ans Streseman. While Stresemann get the first vote, he was early without a chance to win the election. But Letnix and tmv23 were close to each other, both candidates led at some time. AT the end Letnix won the race with 653 to 614 votes, Stresemann got 307 votes. So the old president is also the new one. Here is his team which rule eGermany in May:

Government of eGermany in May 2010

Federal Chancellery (Bundeskanzleramt)
President: Letnix
Vice: higter
Advisor: Starkad Rorlikson

MoFA (Auswärtiges Amt)
Minister: tmv23
Vice: omg_87, higter

MoD (Wehrverwaltung - Bundesverteidigungsminsterium)
Minister: bernhardms
Vice: Hans Agil, maiself2 (VO FSK), Donnie Bronco (VO PH😵

MoI (Bundesministerium des Innern)
Minister: Iseutz
Vice: Heinrich Bismarck

MoM (Bundesamt fuer Migration)
Minister: MrNiemand
Vice: AntiAndi, Bargi

MoF (Bundesbank - Bundesfinanzministerium)
Minister: WillRiker
Vice: Thalia von Sturmfels

MoE (Bundeswirtschaftsministerium)
Minister: SvenB1982

MoC (Erste Hilfe - Communityministerium)
Minister: Salidor Godsbane
Vice: Jabbu, Freiheitskaempfer

MoINF (Kulturstaatsministerium - Informationsministerium)
Minister: il_pate
Vice: Zware_Shag, Wonne

MPP with South Korea
There was a big argument in the german society about the proposed MPP with South Korea. After they were attacked by Japan the first time, the president of SK proposed it. A few hours later Letnix give the recommendation to say no to this MPP. But the congress had an other opinion to this case and accepted it with 19:18 votes. Because the vize-president MachtGeil supported this result, he was removed from office. Furthermore president Letnix left his party (PPD, Patriotic Party Germany), joined OMG (Open Minded Germany) and was elected as party president two days ago.

Party elections an the inner-german TO
Last month there was a sucessful inner-german TO of three far right wing partys by an alliance of all other groups in the society. This month they tried to get back at least one of them, tried to TO the communist party, but all these attempts were without any sucess.
The reason for the TO was, that the members of the three partys were called neo-fascists, lots of them from foreign countries (most EDEN-countries). So there was some fear about a real PTO. At least one group denied it and told, they only want to play the culture of the old Teutons. But it seems, they don´t have much support in the german population, at least they don´t won a party election yet.

If there are further questions about, feel free to send me a PM or talk to me in the IRC-Channel of Germany or Estonia.

Best regards
eGerman ambasador to eEstonia">">