New skill migration - Admin do it right!

Day 1,052, 20:33 Published in Croatia North Macedonia by Ghost Axior

No. 55. - Day 1,052
Country: eCroatia

In his last Insider Admin announced that he will migrate all our military skills into one single skill (strength). We don't have anything against that but he should be fair than and do it right.

If he just add up together all our military skill points he will make a huge mistake and injustice to those players who developed more than one skill.

You already know that all players who started increasing new skill from the beginning got less skill points for the same training than the players who were increasing only one skill. And We don't need to remind him that lots of players use gold for these trainings...

So he should think of all this and don't just add up together all our military skill points but count also all our hours of training and boosters that we used.

If he don't do this it will be the same as if you had STOLEN that gold from us.


Please sign this ►►►Open Letter◄◄◄ so Admin could hear our voice! ♪♪♪

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New skill migration - Admin do it right!