New Congress and Immigration policy

Day 2,593, 22:36 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Greetings my Czech friends,

After further deliberation on what our immigration policy should be and whether decision making on the issue should be more decentralized, I tell you today that rather than having a Minister of Interior Affairs early on, we will be taking a broader approach to our processing. To our new Congress, you should be in a group PM now (I am not invited of course, in case you wish to conspire to impeach me 😛) and currently be taking advice and guidance from our cabinet as to who should be let in.

Priority is given to old Czech citizens who moved away. For everyone else, the cabinet and I will be taking up the responsibility of researching foreign applicants to make sure there is not going to be a PTO threat. Please do not accept a citizenship application without consulting the group PM and someone from the administration. To those who are looking to honestly come to our new land and work hard for the glory of the Czech Republic, a recommendation from a Czech citizen given to someone in the administration certainly can't hurt. Whether this will become a hard and fast rule is yet to be seen.

This is the start of something exciting, I think.

Warm regards,