Need a change?

Day 3,943, 09:07 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

Me again.

Sometimes you see shouts for some changes in the game, make it more fun again and what so not.

Not going to happen. So much cc coming in from TP medals, so many are buying their packs with cc, for Plato that doesn't matter packs are packs 🙂

So why would they make any changes to make the game more fun when the revenue is just pretty nice. Furthermore, any changes they would make, will be based on existing code which they can adapt pretty quickly without any effort, new stuff is too costly to code and implement(read as less profit).

Keep watching this space, when I get time from farming gold I'll write an article how the game might be a little more interesting. Unfortunately for most of us this means a more complex game then just simple clicking and running some fancy scripts, you'd have to actually use that brain (the horror 😃 )

Yours Truly,

Dee IX