National Base Policies

Day 2,084, 13:54 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

National Base Polices , National Guidelines

National Base Policies

They could have any other name as "national invariants" or "national
agreed common policies" or "national guidelines".

They haven't been defined yet since we are simply taking the TUP-UKRP
corpus of creeds as our National Policies, without any open discussion
or debate.

They could be thus ( they could be others, but this or those should be
written down):

- Financial affairs: a detailed budget, oriented to saving 500k every
month, renting

- Home affairs: every single month the same guides for newbies should
be published.

- Foreign affairs: How much damage should we give away to allies ?
Stronger position in TWO? ...

- Long term national goals : None? Conquering this or that bonus?
Keeping or not Irish lands?

These guidelines should be published .

We can't simply leave this or change this with every change of

Freemasons, the party that thinks, the party with actual policies.