My Senate Wish List

Day 856, 02:11 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33
My Senate Wish List

Well, with all the multies/channers about I've got a little list of who I'd like to see in voted in to Senate. I haven't picked these people with particular parties in mind but just for their activity and experience in Senate, as I think we need to have active experienced people voted in this month most importantly.

New South Wales

Ollie Chase - AI
Astintus - AMP
Savonrepus ANP
Xerenity - PaPP
Sir C0nstant - ANP

South Australia

Blue Rayne - AMP
Kyoto Tokugawa - AMP
Alex Australis - AI
Brenflakes - AI
Arfman - Papp

Western Australia

Dante - AI
Venja - ANP
Majester - PaPP
Aus Askar - ANP
Martin Webb - ANP

Northern Territory

MrFisha - ANI
Comrad Rob - RPA
Adam Creedy - ANP
Tim Holtz - AI


Eyebrows - ANI
Bisa97 - ANP
Bronzphoenix - AI
Discrate - ANP


Hillbilly Jim - ANI
Xavier Griffith - AI
Levista - Papp
Abramacabra - AMP
Kyle Thornton - ANP


Timeoin - AMP
H Nelson - AI
Darth Spader - ANP
Infin - ANP
Bastien2 - AMP

These are just my personal favourites who I know to be experienced and active. This article does not reflect on the views of my party.