My manifest

Day 262, 03:19 Published in Sweden Denmark by pho3nix
Members of DGIN.
I believe we have failed.

DGIN has almost seized all it's ordinary activity, namely giving the rest of the Swedes the hardboiled truth in the form of brutal synicism and striking sarkasm. I remember the good old days, when the resistance was young and bold. Our leaders were not affraid to risk their very existance in the new world in order to get the message out. These were good times. We all laughed. These were active times.

But our opposers have a powerful weapon: time. Time, oh time. It slows you down and brings you to a halt. Everything you say is ignored, any suggestion is put on hold and noone listens to you. And this is a fact we must change. We must scream louder! We do not lack in numbers anymore. We are a force to be reckoned with. But we must unite!

Therefore I place my name among those who seek to lead our party to our ultimate goal: independence for all. We must make the Swedes understand that we do not want their wellfare. We will not become two-clicks-a-day zombies like the rest of the Swedes! We do not want their huge economy and cheap goods. We want freedom! Let countries - young and old - seek their own way to the future! Release our conquered brothers!