my're a Constantinople !

Day 1,473, 12:39 Published in Greece Greece by Faethongr

The moments I really adore in this game are not the ones of fictive victories of my e-nation or of any personal achievement (these are not many, anyway), no matter how enjoyable these may also be. The moments I adore in this game are the ones when I “meet” persons who can express something really great, a political theory, a philosophical idea, something that reveals an interesting personality behind the avatar.

Yesterday, in the evening, I read the following verses that Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin posted in a "shout". The poem goes like this:

"my love
the day when you ask me
to make a compliment
i will say just one thing
you're a
Constantinople !

if i'm your world
you're my capital !"

Well, I have to admit I was quite thrilled by the beautiful simplicity, the marriage between world history and personal emotion...and all of these in EREP!!!!...I contacted “Pushkin” and with his permission I publish this beautiful lyric in my newspaper. It was really great to come across a small poetic masterpiece in this game and therefore I thought that it should be shared with the rest of the players who may enjoy it as much as I did.