Most recent tutorial for new players

Day 1,451, 03:26 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by mittekemuis

A guide for new players.

I published this article a few days ago and now I revised some things. A few things weren't that accurate and important things I forgot to put in and administrators changed things again so...

Some pictures on this article will seem not right for you. It is due to grease monkey. That is a add on that you can install which gives you more possibilities with the main page from erepublik.

Welcome to The United Kingdom,

You are new to the game, new in the eUK, you are hungry but also want to keep fighting? This tutorial will guide you through the early steps in this game.

First things first:

Each day you can do the following things:


In order to create food and weapons you will need GBP. In order to generate some GBP you will need a job. You do not have a job yet? Just follow the steps below in which we explain in detail how you can find a job and start working.I will give you two options. The first is the one when you chose to be a civilian soldier the second is for when you decide to be in the British armed forces.There is also a third option but that is party based. I will let the respective parties tell you about that.

Civilian soldier:

Step 1: How do you look for a job?

In order to get a job you will need to figure out which jobs are available. This has been made easy in eRepublik. On your land you have a so called job market in which you can search for a job in your region.

Step 2: How do you actually get the job?

By clicking on the icon of the job market a list will appear with all available jobs. You can pick a job to your likings by simply clicking on the button “apply”. After the page has been refreshed you will see that you have been hired by your new employer.

Step 3: So how do I work?

As soon as you go back to your land your and check all the buildings you will notice a new building. The first building will be the of your employer. This will be the main place where you will be able to earn GBP. Working is quite simple. Just click on the building of your employer and you have worked.

Step 4: How can I see how much I actually earned?

After clicking to work you will receive a popup window in which you can find all sort of details amongst other your wage. You will probably notice that your wage is a bit lower than the wage described when you accepted the job. This is because of taxes. Wages are being taxed by the government so a little part of your wage will be deducted from your wage every time you work. In this same screen you wille be able to see how much experience you have gained, how much you produced, how much health you used to work etc.

British armed forces soldier:

Step 1: How do you look for a job?

You contact your commander from you MU or you contact Minister of Defence. They will provide you with a link to an army factory or you can go to

Step 2-3-4: are the same.


On a daily basis you are also need to train. Training is important in order to gain strength to better your combat skills. Training can be done in several stages, from free training to buying buildings and train for gold.

Step 1: How can you train?

Click on “My Land” just like you did before. This time however you will select the upper right building. This is your training ground. Training will cost you 10 health and can only be done once per training facility you own. By training you will gain 5 strength and 2 additional experience points. Strength will give you more power on the battlefield and enables you to deal more damage to your enemies.

Step 2: How are you able to see how much stronger you have become after training?

Again, just like working you will receive a popup once you have clicked on your training grounds. You will then be able to check one of the following details;

Also you can see for inviting friends you will receive bonuses. Once you have invited friend to join you on eRepublik you will be able to earn certain bonuses. You will receive 0.5 strength for each friend for each training session. You are also able to get a bonus for the “Natural Enemy” option. This bonus will be activated once the government of eUK has declared a Natural Enemy. Once this is done you again get 0.5 strength bonus per training session.

As you can see training will costs you 10 health, will gain you experience and will gain you 5.5 strength or 6.5 with 2 friends and 7 with NE. This is what you would call basic training.

Step 3: How do the other training facilities work?

By purchasing additional training facilities you are able to gain more strength per day. Unfortunately these facilities are not free. Here you will find an overview of facilities, the costs involved and the effect they have on your strength.

Train bonus

My advise would be NOT to buy any training facilities in the beginning of the game because these will cost you gold and gold can better be used to buy other buildings like companies to generate your own food or weapons.

Once you have gained more strength and wealth in this game I would advice you to purchase the climbing center. it gives you the best option in paying for gaining more strength.


After a long day of working and training you need to eat. Food in eRepulblik will restore your health and give you the opportunity to continue to fight. In order to buy food go to “Market” in your top menu bar and select the option “Marketplace” as shown below.

The image below will appear. Click on “Food” and choose the quality you want to purchase.

There are 5 different qualities of foods you can purchase or produce. The better the quality the more health it restores. The quality of food is identified by the letter “Q” and a number:

Q1 food heals 2 health
Q2 food heals 4 health
Q3 food heals 6 health
Q4 food heals 8 health
Q5 food heals 10 health

It makes sense buying the cheapest food available. Don’t think Q1 food is always the cheapest. Take your time an do the math, compare health recovery by Q level and the price you pay.

In order to buy food, you click on the quality you want. A list of suppliers will appear. Select the supplier from which you want to buy and fill in the amount of foods you want to buy. Press on the button “buy” and the foods will be bought:

Eating food can be done on the main page. In the top left you will find the below health bar and the “Eat” button. Eating can be done by simply pressing the button “Eat” as shown on the picture left (if you do not have any food in storage you will see the description “Buy food”).

Now you are ready for another round of fighting! You will need to take into account that you will have a maximum health that can be restored every couple of hours so it can take a while when you are able to restore your health again.

Reward for working and training.

It is important you work and train ones a day. You will be granted a reward. This is a stimulant of the game Admins to give you some additional support in the game. This reward consist of 1 free strength and 1 free experience. You can claim the reward after you have worked and trained by going to your home page by clicking on the “Home” icon left of the button “My Land”. You will see the below picture in your main screen. Recent changes made it so that if you work and train 5 day in a row you get an additional 5 strength and experience.

An other feature is the toolbox. You will see when you work in raw farm/mine you get tools. With those tools you can assemble a toolbox. You need 5 different tools to assemble a toolbox. They will be given random when working in raw material farms/mines. Ones you can assemble a toolbox you van work 5 times in a farm/mine and get double the amount of products.

Besides eating, training and working you have much more possibilities to do within eRepublik. For instance you could join a political party, run your own company or Military unit. But remember, it is important to have a solid basis to start activities from. That is why we gave you the above 3 most important pointers of this game which you need to do on a daily basis.

Some more tips:

-Monitor your health; if you fight too often and your health will drop below 20 you will be unable to work, train or fight. If you do not have any money to buy food you will have a serious problem. Do you need some emergency food just go here or here or here or here for a one time free meal. Otherwise you will have to find yourself a beneficiary.

-Register on the eUK forum, the heart of our society. You can find lots of people, schemes there that can help you in this game.
for example MoHA Mentoring Scheme
or[UK Gov] Free Town Hall Upgrades
or Free Iron and Oil Companies Scheme

-In the beginning of the game try to focus on working and training. This way you will able to build us some cash to expand your business and create your own foods and weapons.

-Be careful with gold. This is one of the most important currencies in eRepublik and you will need it to setup larger businesses. So do not spend it unnecessarily on Health kits. That would be a real waste.

The actual battle

1) You must be Lvl 3 to join a battle.
2) You must have at least 10 wellness to hit in a battle.
3) f you want you can get 100 wellness per hour, therefore 2400 wellness over the course of the day. Bare in mind to get wellness you require the food!!

! Every hit cost 10 wellness !

The list of the battles that you can join are screened on the homepage.
Most days you will see a campaign of the day set by our President but you will be join an MU so you are better to look first at your MU orders and fulfill the required kills so you can get rewarded a candy and Bazooka.

The rules of a battle are the following :

- A round is won when a country reach 1800 points .
- Every minutes, the country which has more than 50% of damage done gain points (less at the beginning of battle and more at the end).
- The first country that win 8 rounds is the winner.

How many points are earned in a round?

0-30 minutes of the round, 10 points every minute;
31-60 minutes of the round, 20 points every minute;
61-90 minutes of the round; 30 points every minute;
91-120 minutes of the round, 60 points every minute.

Can we see the 5 best fighters of a round ?

You only see the information for your side. If you want to see the statistics of the other side, you will have to move.

How to join a resistance war ?

To join a resistance war, you must be in the country where the resistance is launched (Mutual Protection Pact with other countries are not working). Then you can choose your side and hit.

Want to know your damages ?

Influence Calculator

Get bazooka parts when you fight!

Every time you hit you can get a bazooka part that you need to assemble a bazooka. This is an other reward when you fight regularly. The parts get rewarded randomly. You will never know when and how many you will get. Important to know is that you don’t need to assemble them right away. You can save them for important battles or can save them to try and get a battle hero medal...(this is kind of advanced dtuff but good to know)

Last topic will be the mission.

Missions are important because they will give you good rewards when you have done them. They are the last tool to gain strength and experience other then working and fighting

Mission 1: The Food Factory
The economy is in turmoil and new companies have emerged. Use your land and start building an economic empire to become a powerful citizen and help your country.

Work in a Food Factory

You will find some buildings on your Land.

+3 EP
+500 CC (currency of your citizenship country)
+1 lands

Mission 2: Build up your stock
Food Factories run on raw materials. Build a Grain Farm to complete the Food production.

Build a grain farms
Work in your grain farms


+10 Q1 food
+2 grain farms
+3 lands

Mission 3: Training Days
A strong nation also needs well-trained soldiers to efficiently use the available weapons.

Build your training grounds
Train for the first time

Once per day you can use the Training grounds found in your land.

+2 XP
+5 Strength

Mission 4: Join the army
Together we can be stronger! Let's reunite our forces and try to reunite our nation!

Join a Military unit


2 experience points
10 Q2 weapons

Mission 5: A future hero
It's time for you to help your motherland survive and thrive in the new world by solving conflicts the pragmatic way... destroy them all.

Achieve military rank of Private

On the Battlefield there are plenty of enemies to attack. Join a battle and destroy 5 enemy soldiers by bringing their health to 0.

+2 XP
+10 Q2 Weapons

Mission 6: The ambush
Well done, Private! You've got everyone's attention now, but there's no time for celebration: keep on fighting to leave this ambush.

Add 350 war influence to the war effor


+2 XP
+1 Energy bar

Mission 7: The final effort
Try to hold on there, reinforcements are on the way. Join your comrads in their last effort to maintain positions.

Fight until 10 Country Points are awarded
Defeat 5 enemies


+2 XP
+ 10 Rank

Mission 8: Full membership


Become a full member of a military unit


+2 XP
+1 energy bar

Mission 9: The Marketplace

Need more products? Or more money? Build a marketplace and start trading with others.

Build your marketplace
Buy 3 items

Build your marketplace from the build menu and buy any 3 items from the marketplace.

+2 XP
+50 CC (currency of your citizenship country).

Mission 10: Rumors

There are rumors of a new weapon. Find the first part in any battle and discover what it's all about.

Find one collectible item


+1 Stock

I have given you the first 10 missions; There are 30 to do for now. If you want to know more about wnat is coming I refer you to eRepublik wiki