MI Weekly Report (Nov 18-Nov 24)

Day 1,832, 21:36 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs
Waited in the cold for 2 hours for the Black Friday Doorbusters at the Pie Shop...

The MI Weekly Report.

These weekly entries will feature various troop stats collected for the week as well as any recent MI news, announcements, or updates... and perhaps the occasional hidden gem...

This Week in the MI

This past week was a very slow week in the MI, with many people busy with the holiday of Black Friday Eve (that is what it's called now, right?)... which I assume consisted mainly of consuming copious amounts of pie with family. And maybe some bird meat or something...

No promotions to report this week.

MI Stats for the week of Nov 18-Nov 24

Top 5 MI Fighters of the Week
based on est. # of fights done






Top 5 Most Improved in Rank
based upon % increase in total rank points

Clevin - 26.9% Rank Point increase

Jericho Canaan - 17.8% Rank Point increase

SirDrax - 15.5% Rank Point increase

Braden Tyrel Trambly - 14.3% Rank Point increase

xy2set - 9.8% Rank Point increase

Rank Level Increases
The following MI personnel have increased in Rank Level in the past week:

darksrevan to God of War*
Spamgobbler to Legendary Force*
ChristopherEller to World Class Force***
Kitmen to World Class Force*
Sojirou to National Force
Cbowmom87 to Supreme Marshal***
NikolaiX to Supreme Marshal**
Jericho Canaan to Supreme Marshal**
Ricardo Rivera Abad to Supreme Marshal
Braden Tyrel Trambly to Field Marshal**
Clevin to Field Marshal*
SirDrx to Colonel*

Private of the Week

This weekly acknowledgement is for the private who has been the most exceptional in terms of activity and dedication within the Mobile Infantry.

This week's recipient is:

Ricardo Rivera Abad

Ricardo once again... not that he has any competition. As a reward he will be given a bonus 6 Q7 weapons!

If any other privates would like a chance at this award, they should get more active. (especially on IRC!)

Officer of the Week

This weekly acknowledgement is for the officer determined to be the most exceptional in encouraging activity and engaging their troops.

This week's recipient is:

Braden Tyrel Trambly

BTT gets the award this week! As a reward he will receive a bonus 6 Q7 weapons!

Congrats to everyone for their accomplishments this week!

MI Troops - work hard and be active and you could be on next week's report.

For those not in the MI -

If your strength is at least 500 and your battlefield rank is Lieutenant or higher (or you can do at least 85 influence per fight barehanded) ...and if you like pie as much as we do, you too could be a member of the Mobile Infantry!!!

General Heather Fuchs
Commanding Officer
eUS Mobile Infantry