MI Weekly Report (Mar 4-Mar 10)

Day 1,573, 17:39 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs
Time for another MI Weekly Report.

These weekly entries will feature various troop stats collected for the week as well as any recent MI news, announcements, or updates... and perhaps the occasional hidden gem...

This Week in the MI

Hmmmm... well, nothing all that noteworthy happened this week in the MI, just some planning of upcoming events and changes I'll be revealing shortly. No promotions to report this week either.

So...... instead I'll give you this pie poem I foun😛

I Love Pie

The Yankees love their Apple Pie,
The Brits, their Custard Pie,
My wife told me she can't make pie,
She knows, for she has tried.

The Dutch have Apple Berry Pie,
The Scottish, Mincemeat Pie,
Italians have Ricotta Pie,
And I have none, "Oh, Why?"

I love that little flaky crust,
That goes with morning tea,
It seems that all the world has some,
But there is none for me.

The Finnish have Karjalan Pie,
Whatever that may be,
The Greeks have Cheese And Spinach Pie,
I'd love a piece with Brie.

So, as the world enjoys their pie,
I eat a simple tart,
For even though I love my pie,
We live a world apart.

by David Ronald Bruce Pekrul

Hopefully next week we'll have some actual news to report.

We do have the usual battle stats below though!

MI Stats for the week of Mar 4-Mar 10

Top 5 MI Fighters of the Week
based on est. # of fights done



Miles Edgeworth


Nathan Parmeter

Top 5 Most Improved in Rank
based upon % increase in total rank points

Miles Edgeworth - 28.6% Rank Point increase

Atreus21 - 21.7% Rank Point increase

xy2set - 19.0% Rank Point increase

bagotaitot - 17.4% Rank Point increase

Grodemiester - 16.6% Rank Point increase

Rank Level Increases
The following MI personnel have increased in Rank Level in the past week:

Greenday4537 to National Force**
playa566 to National Force*
Donovan McNair to Supreme Marshal***
Slobberknocker to Supreme Marshal**
AutumnsDawn to Supreme Marshal*
Sadew Shragnor to Field Marshal**
cynemes to Field Marshal
kitmen to Field Marshal
Arvie Cadaguit to General***
Mile.Mannix to General*
Brent Barker to General*
xy2set to General*
BMai to Colonel*
Miles Edgeworth to Colonel*
Jeff Nickelson to Lt Colonel***
bagotaitot to Lt Colonel**
Alex Armstrong to Lt Colonel*
Atreus21 to Commander*

Private of the Week

This weekly acknowledgement is for the private who has been the most exceptional in terms of activity and dedication within the Mobile Infantry.

This week's recipient is:


Writing short stories about the MI may have helped. As a reward Sojirou will be given a bonus 10 Q6 weapons!

If any other privates would like a chance at this award, they should get more active. (especially on IRC)

Officer of the Week

This weekly acknowledgement is for the officer determined to be the most exceptional in encouraging activity and engaging their troops.

This week's recipient is:


As you can see, senior officers are eligible for OotW too. As a reward Mittens will be given a bonus 10 Q6 weapons!

Congrats to everyone for their accomplishments this week!

MI Troops - work hard and be active and you could be on next week's report.

For those not in the MI -

If your strength is at least 500 and your battlefield rank is Lieutenant or higher (or you can do at least 85 influence per fight barehanded) ...and if you like pie as much as we do, you too could be a member of the Mobile Infantry!!!

Not strong enough for the MI yet or have no experience with a military group?
Then join the eUS Training Corps!

Lieutenant General Heather Fuchs
Executive Officer
eUS Mobile Infantry