MI Spotlight - Heather Fuchs

Day 1,704, 00:33 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs
Welcome to the newest issue of the Mobile Infantry Spotlight!

Mobile Infantry Spotlight

Heather Fuchs

Heather Fuchs Is the new Commanding Officer of the Mobile Infantry after AutumnsDawn’s resignation just a short while ago. Heather is a college graduate with a degree in education with hopes of becoming a science teacher. Known for her dedication to the MI, she can appear to be rough on the outside: but the MI members know she has a soft side, even if it isn’t shown often. It’s time to ask some question of the raining queen of MI PIE, so lets get to it!

Q: Being the new CO for the Mobile Infantry, do you plan to stay to the path set, or will you make your own changes?

A: Well, I was slowly implementing changes while I was XO, and that will not change. Changes and improvements will continue, but I think we've been doing fairly well overall and I'm not planning any major overhauls of anything.

Q: When and where did you start your MI career and did you ever see yourself becoming the Commanding officer?

A: I started in the MI in March of 2010. I joined eRep in summer of '09 right before we were invaded, had some fun during the war, then got bored and resorted to 7-clicking for months (granted, I was busy with school too). In February '10 I decided I was bored and to prevent myself from just quitting, I decided to give the military a try. After joining the TC and blowing through the tests in about an hour, I then waited around the TC for a couple weeks til I was requested by the MI. Originally I wasn't sure I wanted to come to the MI, as I thought my activity level was more National Guard level at the time (which I had set as my preference). I gave the MI a try anyway and loved it. So yeah, I definitely did not think I'd be Commanding Officer when I joined....

Q: What was your journey from the rank of private to the top like? Do you have any special memories?

A: So I decided to try out IRC right after I joined. Seeing that I was getting active there, Vytautus asked me to be his PXO in Alpha 6. I spent about a month there before taking over ABCDwp's PCO spot in A2 when he was promoted to CXO. Running my own platoon was great! I loved coming up with interesting things to do with roll calls and activities... I even tried to hold platoon IRC meetings.... Though those didn't go too well. I did that for a month and a half to two months before Greene12 recruited me for an open QM position. I was kinda sad leaving my platoon, but it turned out I loved QMing too! QMing was rather fun.... and then V2 hit. During V2 there were many, many nights where I was alone QMing dozens of people for hours. I pretty much did not get to fight at all for the entirety of V2. I think I entered the battlefield like 5 times or so total. Anyway, V2 eventually ended (thankfully).
In October '10 I was hospitalized for about a month. Luckily when I returned, QMG AutumnsDawn had held my QM position for me during my absence. After being a QM for like ever, I was finally made QMG in February '11 when AutumnsDawn was made the new XO under tsewell. Being QMG was both fun for me and frustrating. I took control and revamped the commune system to deal with constant funding cuts from the government, and eventually the total loss of funding with our separation from congress. That was a turbulent time. It certainly took its toll on tsewell, who retired after 4 months as CO. With his retirement, AD became the new CO and I was made the new XO.

Q: If anyone, who do you think influenced your career the most?
A: Probably AutumnsDawn. Not only did I follow in her footsteps most of the way, she allowed and encouraged me for the most part to run various things as I needed in my super spreadsheet-filled OCD way of doing things.

Q: Now for the super important part... Favorite pie?
A: Thats tough, there a couple different pies I love.... but I have to go with Key Lime pie - made with real key limes. Thats always been the pie I look forward to the most.

Thanks for reading the newest spotlight! I hope you enjoyed! Dismissed!

If your strength is at least 500 and your battlefield rank is Lieutenant or higher (or you can do at least 85 influence per fight barehanded) ...and if you like pie as much as we do, you too could be a member of the Mobile Infantry!!!

Not strong enough for the MI yet or have no experience with a military group?
Then join the eUS Training Corps!

Lieutenant Colonel Kitmen
Press Director
eUS Mobile Infantry