MI Spotlight - Braden Tyrel Trambly

Day 1,758, 19:26 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs
Welcome to the newest issue of the Mobile Infantry Spotlight!

Mobile Infantry Spotlight

Braden Tyrel Trambly

Note - this interview was done like a month ago, but was kinda "lost" and not published until now...

Braden Tyrel Trambly AKA “BTT” is a returning member to the Mobile Infantry. Having recently graduated basic training, he is now a sailor in the United States Navy. When asked to describe himself he said “I’m hyper, loud, and a bit obnoxious” . Though BTT is a bit wild he is well liked among the officers and enlisted men alike in the MI. Trambly is a shining star certain to make it far with us, if he keeps his chin up. Let’s see how he feels about being back.

Q: How are you feeling now that you’re back in the Infantry after so many weeks away?

A: To quote my Chief from boot camp: "Its F!@#ng Awesome!" And it’s nice to be able to talk to friends I haven’t...."seen" in 2 months

Q: Did you find it hard to leave the MI for so long, and do you feel closer now that you’re back?

A: It was hard, since I wouldn’t know what would be going on while I was gone (missed a war, damn), but now that I’m back, I understand what we do in game, since I’m practically living it.

Q: So you feel that you understand the structuring in the Mobile Infantry better since you are in the actual military?

A: Yes, but I also can’t mouth off with BMai on IRC now so I won’t do it do an officer in the real military.

Q: Now that you’re back, do you have big plans for your MI career?

A: stay out of trouble, and climb the rank ladder without messing up.

Q: If you had to pick one thing about the MI you missed most, what would it be?

A: The people.

Q: Now that you’re back in Pie Land we’ve got to know… What pie is your favorite?

A: Pumpkin! With Whipped Cream! Oh god I need some of that right now.

That was BTT for you! He’s back to his home and ready to kick some butt in the name of the Mobile Infantry! Thanks for reading, you are all dismissed!

If your strength is at least 500 and your battlefield rank is Lieutenant or higher (or you can do at least 85 influence per fight barehanded) ...and if you like pie as much as we do, you too could be a member of the Mobile Infantry!!!

Not strong enough for the MI yet or have no experience with a military group?
Then join the eUS Training Corps!

Lieutenant Colonel Kitmen
Press Director
eUS Mobile Infantry