Meet epicness NO 1

Day 1,638, 12:18 Published in Croatia Croatia by Daria89

1) What's your name iRL
2) Where u come from iRL
3) How old u are iRL
4) What are your hobies, what you doing in RL, how you spend your free time
5) What brings you in this game?

1) i tend to keep my RL name secret, i hope you will respect that
2) i come from Bosnia and Herzegovina but have been living in Istanbul / Turkey for the past six years
3) i am 24 years old
4) my hobbies include almost every arts and crafts thingies especially painting and playing piano which i have been practicing for 13-14 years. also am very interested in architecture, restoration and archaeology.
5) i started playing after i saw my boyfriend getting addicted. unfortunately now i am more active than him.

1)David Koychev
2)I am from Burgas, a town by Black See coast in Bulgaria
3)I am 18, almost 19
4)Well, I graduated my HS this year and I am going to be a student in US. I ussually spend my free time reading(mostly fantasy), music(hard rock&metal) and practicing Aikido(a japanese martial art close to judo and jiu-jitsu. As most of people here I waste a lot of time online (erep, 9gag, fb and lol).
5)A random comment post in one online newspaper saying that virtual Bulgaria needs help brought me here. After I quit the game in V2 and returned in V3 I took the account of one my friend so I am referral of myself.

Marinko Margarin
1) Marinko Margarin
2) Croatia
3) 18
4) playing football for a local club
5) friends at most

Ilan Arazi
1) Alban
2) By origin Albanian, but living in Switzerland.
3) 22
4) At the moment I'm self-employed consultant for financial issues, but I spend free time with friends!
5) As the 2nd Commander of the Israeli branch I looking that all wears the right avatar! 😛

1) bojan
2) zagreb
3) 31
4) drinking fucking and drinking
5) fun on irc 🙂

1) Georgi 😛
2) In RL I'm from Pazardzhik. Small town in the center of Bulgaria.
3) Still 28, but in two months will be 29 🙁 (too old for games like this one 😃 )
4) Hobies - photography, sleeping, girls 😛 (only my fiancee must not see the last one 😃 )
I'm working in real estate business, consulting in buying and selling apartments and houses. Very interesting job... I really like to do it 🙂
In my free time I'm usually here in the game, if not - spending it in long walks in parks
5) I really don't remember. It was too long ago.

1)My name is Kenan.
2)I live in Sarajevo,Bosnia and Herzegowina.
3)I'm 18 years old.
4)First of all I like hanging out with my friends,play some hoops with them,like to sleep a lot,eat good food and so on,so on...
5)I started playing this because I wanted to help my RL country to free itself from foreign occupation.Now the only thing that keeps me playing this game is my ICA family.Thanks you a lot guys o/

Sir Arthur William Currie
1) matthew gallaugher
2) camrose alberta
3) 21
4) What are your hobies, what you doing in RL, how you spend your free time
Erep + drinking + work as cook and on family farm. Spend my free time watching pron and playing battlefield 3 respectively
5) Being apart of the ICA family

Shaba Killer
1) Karlo Šabić
2) Split
3) 16
4) Friends , partys , going out spending money , football
5) I really dont know

2) United States, Illinois
3) 21
4) sleep, work, hang with friends, video games, and most importantly being awesome
5) to share my awesomeness with more people in the world