Macedonia will be Greece!

Day 1,054, 01:56 Published in Greece North Macedonia by Ghost Axior

No. 56. - Day 1,054
Country: eGreece

Dear Greek friends and allies,

Very sad news are coming from eGreece lately that many of you will leave this game because of Admin's decision to rename FYROM into Republic of Macedonia.

I know that name of "Macedonia" means much to you but please don't leave the game because of it. In that way you will not change anything. I appeal on you to stay active at least two more months. In 45 days FYROM will not be protected from attacks any more and we will prove to everybody something that we all already know... that Macedonia is Greece. And with all our available support and help Macedonia will be Greece, like it Admin or not! 🙂

But you must stay. Without you this will not be possible. Without you this will not make sense.
Stay and fight! And we will all fight with you!

Macedonia is Greece!
Η Μακεδονία είναι Ελληνική!

Also please vote this article and sign this Open Letter in which we demand RIGHTFUL military skill migration. We don't want to be tricked again!
