LIVE - Swiss Presidential Debate - August Candidates

Day 1,706, 10:32 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

It's fun to watch presidential candidates engage in spirited debate before an election. An unrehearsed debate is an excellent way to see a candidate perform under pressure. It's also a means to gauge their education on certain issues and how each compares to the other candidates. And that is why, my friends, I have decided to host the debate for August's presidential candidates!

I am sure that all of you have realized now that the two candidates who will be running are Gucio16, with support from the Anti-Imperialist Movement, Swiss Freedom Party, and Green Party as well as Uros95, with support from the Swiss Reform Coaliation, Swiss Liberal Party, and Swiss People's Party.

So... if you have some free time next Sunday, feel free to join the party... I mean debate. The presidential debate will go live at 12:00 eRepublik time on July 29th, so be sure to mark that date on your calendar! And of course, it will be in the #SwissDebate channel on IRC. Basically how the debate will work is that only the two candidates, Gucio16 and Uros95 will be able to talk, but only when it is their turn to do so... which means that the audience will be unable to talk. However, I will give people the opportunity to privately message me any of their personal questions which they can either ask to both candidates, or just a chosen candidate.

That's pretty much it! I am very excited to be hosting such an exciting debate, especially during times like these when there is much controversy in Swiss politics. See you guys at the debate!

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
Le Diplomat