Lie less, read more.(part 2.) Romanian army in Budapest

Day 1,701, 03:32 Published in Hungary Hungary by Mvhely

Dear readers!

The romanians allways say "We occupied Budapest in WW I !!".
The romanian army really enetered in Budapest AFTER WW I.

But how and when?

In 1918, as a political result of German defeat on the Western front in World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy collapsed. French Entente troops landed in Greece to rearm the defeated Romania and Serbia, and the newly formed Czechoslovak state. Despite general armistice agreement, the Balkanian French army organized new campaigns against Hungary with the help of Czechoslovak, Romanian and Serbian governments.
Former Prime Minister István Tisza was murdered in Budapest by a gang of soldiers during Aster Revolution of October 1918. On 31 October 1918 the success of the Aster Revolution in Budapest brought the leftist liberal count Mihály Károlyi to power as Prime Minister. Károlyi was a devotee of Entente from the beginning of the war. On 13 November 1918 Charles I. surrendered his powers as King of Hungary; however, he did not abdicate, a technicality that made a return to the throne possible.[52] The First Republic was proclaimed on 16 November 1918 with Károlyi being named as president. Károlyi tried to build Hungary as the "Eastern Switzerland" and persuade nonhungarian minorities - Slovaks, Romanians, Ruthenians to stay loyal to the country, offering them autonomy. However these efforts came too late. By a notion of Woodrow Wilson's pacifism, Károlyi ordered the full disarmament of Hungarian Army. Hungary remained without national defence in the darkest hour of its history. Surrounding countries started to arm. On 5 November 1918 Serbian Army with French involvement attacked Southern parts of the country, on 8 November Czechoslovak Army attacked Northern part of Hungary, on 2 December Romanian Army started to attack the eastern (Transylvanian) parts of Hungary. The Károlyi government pronounced illegal all armed associations and proposals which wanted to defend the integrity of the country. The Károlyi government's measures failed to stem popular discontent, especially when the Entente powers began distributing slices of Hungary's traditional territory to Romania, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, giving priority to ethno-linguistic criteria than to the historical one. French and Serbian forces occupied the southern parts of Hungary.

The "brave" little countries which attacked Hungary after only its full disarmament.

When the Romanian troops finally departed Budapest at the beginning of 1920, they took extensive booty, including food, trucks, locomotives and railroad cars, and factory equipment, in revenge for the Central Powers' plundering of Romania during the war.

Látjátok feleim ezért is megéri ütni a románokat!!
Tehát: Üsd őket a KÖZLÖNY szerint!!