Less, lesser, least

Day 3,754, 06:53 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

Fellow eBelgians,

you may, or may not, have not noticed that I no longer appear on any of the leaderboards. Some of you might even have noticed that I am also less visible on the battlefield.

These last 2 weeks I have suffered the visit from a friend called influenza. Which kept me from being online a lot.

However, in a previous article, I also mentioned not buying any packs anymore. Still haven't. What does that mean? A smaller healthbar, a slower health recuperation, less chances of a BH, slower growth in rank and level. I still profit some from the strength and rank I already possess, I can only imagine what starting players without packs must feel and then decide not to play anymore 🙂

However, there are something positive aspects of playing without packs too. Less urgency to keep that healthbar going, if I don't feel like it, or RL intervenes and the bar is filled to 100% for a day. Who cares, just lose some hits and opportunities, not like it is costing me money 😉

These last few weeks eBelgium has picked up some activity: a couple of new faces (back) in eBe, a couple of attempts to keep the community going( avio stuff, roll call in the media,...) and then the last 24 hours some law proposals. Keep it up you all, and when RL starts to settle down for me I'll be a little more present in the game, although it will remain packless.

Yours truly, D9