Latest Developments Inside Pakistan

Day 759, 08:34 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness
December 18, 2009
Quetta , Balochistan

There have been numerous developments in the last 24 hours inside Pakistan.

Death of a Legend

First and most important Agentchieftian is dead (Banned). Pakistan Democratic Coalition has decided to announce 3 days of mourning, during this all party members will put black bands on their arms to express solidarity with our Dioists brother and sisters.

This loss can not be expressed in words, it is feeling that only a true Pakistani can feel. Lets hope that agent takes birth again in another body and guide Pakistanis to success like he has done in past.

Return of Our Land

In another development North West Frontier Province (N.W.F.P) has been returned. Let me make it clear in an official statement to the world Pakistan had nothing to do with the return of the province. It was the decision of Iranian Government and Iranian people to return it back. Therefore, Pakistani government or forces had no involvement in the return of the region. To list the facts of this battle I am going to include some links,

Damage Stats
Battle Details

As you can see the battle hero is an Iranian Citizen the above two links clearly show that the region were returned on will of Iranian government or people. We accept this gesture of friendship from Iran and hope both countries remain friends like this in future.

Installation of Defense System in Punjab

In another Development there is proposal in front of congress being voted right now to install a defense system in province of Punjab. It appears the proposal will be accepted. However our party calls for development of Balochistan, Sindh and N.W.F.P in future. Currently these regions have no hospital. Government should really consider options of install Q5 Hospital in sindh and a Q4 in Balochistan.

Economic Conditions

Economy of Pakistan is improving people are getting paid more and spending less. Pakistani companies are slowly getting export licenses and expanding into foreign markets. This has led to increase in revenues made by pakistani companies. New companies owned by pakistanis have also emerged in different sectors recently.