Just a thought

Day 292, 00:25 Published in South Africa South Africa by kiwifire1

I’m new in the Erepublick and to eSouth Africa, but I would like to be help rather than a hindrance. I read an interesting article by the eSouth African Minster of Health and the comments of his citizens there after. I don’t want anyone to think I have the answers to the problems that seem to plague us at this point because as I have mentioned above I have been here a matter of five minutes.

The problem I see is economics, please correct me if I’m wrong, but would not the best way to address this is from inside out? For example. I went to go and look at the price of a house, not that I have the money to purchase one at this stage, but just to look and do a little pre-planning. I could not find one for sale.

Would it not be a good Idea to have the government subside the housing industry, I leave the amount for all to discuss, so all people could have a house, which could have a domino effect. The domino effect would be first and foremost, better wellness for all citizens, which in turn they would have a better output at work, and in the military if they so desire to enlist.

Now if the government decided to do this, this would create more jobs in the housing industry. Alas, the cost. The government could put a lean on the houses to recover the amount spent when the house is sold from lets say a Q1 to a Q2. In the short term the government would lose out on some capital, but the roll on effect’s from a population with a better wellbeing would be good for all. Also if taxes were set up in the right places, the government could reclaim the money a bit quicker.

Like I said, I am very new to this world an I hope I have not put any one’s nose out of joint. It’s just a thought.