
Day 528, 12:37 Published in Lithuania Croatia by klkl

Came blonde with the driving test, and said another blond - I do not understand how I fell on the driver. I came to the circuit, the sign was written 30, and I'm 30 times circling around the character. The instructor told me that I fell. And the other blonde: - Perhaps you are wrongly numbered.
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Teacher: - Ivica, List me 3 famous figures. - Zidanem, Beckham, Ronaldinho ... - Well, what is with Mozart, Da Vinchijem ...? - Well teacher, I do not know exactly the best backup players.
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Walking Ivica and his grandmother. They walked and walked, when at one point on the floor Ivica found 10 kuna. He took them himself, but his grandmother says: - The edges, the floor is nothing taken. - Ivica them back on the floor. They continued to walk and again Ivica find money, but the 20 kuna. He took himself and his grandmother says: - The edges, the floor is nothing taken. Continue the walk in a moment fall grandmother and sai😛 - The edges, help me to raise! - Ivica answers to: - Well grandmother, told me that the floor will not take.
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Asks a blonde the other - you know what is black humor - This is when the laughter of two black person!
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Blonde blond aske😛 - What time is it? - 15 divided from the 45

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