Join the Swiss National Army!

Day 1,580, 11:13 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

It is with my pleasure to announce to you the grand establishment of the Swiss National Army! After a long process of finalizing our organizational foundation and supply distribution method, I am glad that we will now be able to serve the Swiss people. Let me explain to you a little bit more about our unique, new army.

What is the Swiss National Army?

Well, the Swiss National Army is Switzerland's first fully functional, government-funded military unit which enables soldiers to receive supplies on a weekly basis. Because the military unit receives income from the government, this also allows for bonus supplies to be delivered in times of war.

Is the Swiss National Army open to everyone?

Yes! Anyone can become a member of the army. Whether you are weak or strong, the Swiss National Army is set up in a way that is inclusive to all. Soldiers who have 0 to 2,000 strength will become a part of the Swiss Youth Academy, whereas soldiers who have more than 2,000 strength will become a part of the Swiss National Army.

How do we know where to fight?

Because the Swiss National Army is government-funded, the military unit will follow the Ministry of Defence's orders which are published each day. In addition, it is important for members of the Swiss National Army to regularly show up at the military unit's official IRC channel, #Swiss.Defence, as well as the strike room, #Save.Switzerland.

How many supplies do I receive each week?

The Swiss National Army is set up so that there are different amounts of supplies depending on the regiment you are in as well as whether Switzerland is in war or not, supplies will be different. During peace, members of the Swiss Youth Academy will receive 210 Q5 food each week, and members of the Swiss National Army will receive 30 Q6 weapons each week. During war however, members of the Swiss Youth Academy will receive 280 Q5 food and 20 Q5 weapons each week, and members of the Swiss National Army will receive 30 Q6 weapons and additional bonus supplies during strikes if they are present on the IRC channel, #Swiss.Defence.

It is important to remember though, that supplies will only be given out once a week, and if you would like to receive them, you MUST fill out this form. And so, the form allows the military directors of the Swiss National Army to observe the activity of all soldiers, and to ensure the participation of all soldiers as well.

Now that you know what the Swiss National Army is about, what are you waiting for? Make a difference for our country, serve the people of our country, fight for the love of our country!

Join the Swiss National Army HERE!

United We Stand,
Divided We Fall!

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
Supreme Commander of the Swiss National Army