JDS - Lottery results and such...

Day 2,257, 03:05 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

G'day eAussies.

The results of the JDS lottery are announced below and along with a Department of Education and Entertainment article writing competition and the ADF give-a-ways, it has been a prosperous week for you lucky Aussies. The DoEE article writing competition can be found HERE and we hope to see you enter. Remember key thing for a country without regions is activity and you can play your part by helping to keep the media flourishing. Pat McCrutch is also running a fun game called werewolf for you active Aussies, it really is good fun and the sign ups can still be found HERE, if you want to know more then PM the guy himself by clicking this thing HERE!. Get involved people!

Next week we'll be releasing an end of month round up with all the figures of what we have sent out, all kind donators and how much they contributed and what our current balance is...rest assured until eRepublik release a Q7 nightclub then your money is safe.

Interesting times this week in eRepublik, Countries are still working frantically behind the scenes ready for the emergence of the new alliances which is inevitable since the break up of the mighty TWO. It is still not widely known to those countries not classed as Influential military wise whom will side with whom. This week we witnessed Chile sign a MPP with Argentina which is a little daunting for us but that doesn't mean they won't find themselves on the opposite side of the battlefield...so don't worry just yet.

Sadly we are still under the threat of a PTO from multiple accounts looking to take control of eAustralia. This is not a new threat to those Aussies old enough to remember previous attempts, so you can play your party by regularly checking the membership of your political party. If there are any new accounts you suspect then submit a ticket to the admins and let the admins deal with it but please make sure you try to increase activity in your party as an active party is harder to PTO. Thankfully being wiped by Chile is a good thing currently as we can get our country in order before we concentrate on liberating our regions.

Well we had 12 entrants into the random draw and two of you have won 5gold each. The draw was made using Random.org and the names that the randomizer chose were - Roboz and kerna96.

Congratulations and your gold will be sent as soon as I have finished writing this article. A screenshot of the list of entrants and the order they were drawn can be seen HERE.

Just a reminder that these prizes came from private donations from your JDS Directors and not from JDS funds.

The J.D.S is run by your Government but with funds from donations by kind citizens, the aim is to help young players and players who are new to eRepublik and those players who are level 29 and under. Mainly those who entered the game and need that little helping hand. We are not politically biased and there are no hidden catches, you do not have to pay back the rewards or join any political parties. All you have to do is look at the tasks which you will find in a link below, they are very simple and designed to help you adapt into the game and the eAustralian community. Some of the tasks are as simple as reaching certain levels and even just signing up to the eAustralian forums...they are that simple and you get a gold reward for each one completed.

Each task completed will see you receive 1gold, the aim is that you will save it for Training Ground updates because in this game the key thing is strength, and you achieve this by training. The best advice we can offer is for you to save your gold until the admins release an offer on upgrading training grounds...then spend away and upgrade. The higher your strength the more damage you do which is beneficial to yourself and your country and will see you earn more gold as well.

We strongly urge you to take the game and tasks slowly and avoid heavy fighting until you have a respectable strength.


Once you have completed one of the tasks then contact your JDS Directors who are either myself - Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire Louise to receive your free gold.

If you are a new player and definitely leaving and not returning to the game then why not sell your companies and donate the proceeds to helping young players in the same position as yourself? All monies donated are used 100% on young and new players only. Leave a legacy and help a fellow Aussie

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.