JDS - An Interview with Klop123

Day 2,141, 13:26 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

Well at J.D.S we do try to educate as well as supply, after all what is the point of sending you free food and weapons and then just leaving you out there in the new, cold, dark and lonely world of eRepublik? We have previously had Interviews with one half of your J.D.S team as well as a interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Macedonia.

Our aim is to educate the ''youff of eAustralia'' to friends and foes of our country and show them that behind the screen we are all part of one large community who share a passion for this God forsaken game. We all have issues with Plato and we all try to enjoy the game whether it be on the battlefield or in a Congress chamber. So without further ado may I introduce you to the former C.P of eCanada, current Minister of Defence and all round nice guy - Klop123.

Tell us a little bit about who the person Klop123 is away from the keyboard? Any hobbies, personal interests or records of being a sexual predator?

Who is klop123 away from the keyboard? Well, I'm a Canadian in RL too, I work in business :3. I love playing/watching hockey, as well as occasionally dabbling into some video games, but I love trying new things oh, and long walks on the beach etc. 😉

Canada recently found herself wiped by a stronger country...how did the Canadian people deal with that?

Indeed, we spent 8 months toiling under the occupation of Spain. At first for the first month, everyone was fine, thinking Spain would leave after they gave us a spanking for attacking the UK much like Poland usually did. As the wiped dragged on, a lot of people started to lay the blame all over the place. This along with the wipe, made some of our heavy hitters move for a little while (eg. Fritzhill, Ralph Kline). Then our population started to die, at the 2 month point of the wipe we had ~2200 citizens, but after 4 we had shrunk to 1500 and were still falling. Here, the eCanadian community unified. We started working together real well and eventually we came out of the wipe after 8 months although with less than half of what our population was. I'd give y'all a full play by play, but I don't want to put you to sleep 😉

Having been in a similar situation what advice would you give to young Aussies?

My advice to you young (or old) eAussies is to stay united through the wipe. It help when people work together. I also encourage you to be active, find a role and help out. Lastly, perhaps the most important thing, get the community involved, games, contests etc. really help curb the population fallout by a lot. Oh, and have a good attitude, don't be disrespectful to others!

How did you become involved in politics?

I guess I was sort of always involved in politics. I don't buy gold at all (look at my strength) and I'm an okay writer, so I thought, why not? Truth is, without this guys: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1471586, I probably would've two-clicked and then quit the game. At some point, most citizens will get involved in politics, it's not a bad thing, you get to meet some new people, help lead/lead the country. It's one thing Plato hasn't completely ruined yet. 😉

Blonde, red heads or brunettes?

Well I can't just choose one 😛 All are beautiful 🙂
Hugh likes these ones: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-ginger-tribute-193323/1 Enjoy 😉

You recently were CP of Canada, how was it and what did you learn...would you ever run again?

Being CP of eCanada was fun, I enjoyed it. It was a lot of work, as is leading any country, but I got the chance to meet so many new people and got to experience many different situations, for the better or the worse. I think I learned a lot in terms of experience and how to deal with all sorts of situations. The most important thing I learned was probably better negotiating, at first I was terrible 😛
I will probably run again at some point, when I have time that is, if I don't get a chance again: It was worth it.

You've been in the game 4 years now, what has been your proudest moment and what has been Canada's greatest achievement in your eyes.

Yup, I'm a senior citizen here 😛 The proudest moment(s) for me would probably be the revival of my Party: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/the-canadian-progressive-front-2814/1 from 11 members including myself to eCanada's premier party consistently holding 40% of congress and numerous CPs and the emergence of the MU I belong to, as Canada's top MU in terms of infrastructure, kills, active leaders.
The greatest eCanada moment would probably have to be way back around days 1470-1600ish. The USA had just been invaded by Poland. Being involved in the Bromance, we quickly declared war on Poland. Together for a few great weeks, we quickly freed the USA and alongside them crushed Poland back into original regions, freeing Germany and France completely on the way. Poland was eventually wiped by TEDEN. If you'd like to read about those events I suggest starting here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cp-epoland-war-of-chunks-day-1470--1914389/1/20 and reading onwards 🙂

Have you ever owned a van?

I have never owned a van, but my parents did. I personally like and own luxury sports cars :3

Whats is the Canadian community like? Is it heavily divided?

The eCanadian community is hard to describe. It's very unique to say the least. I'd say we're pretty damn welcoming to any new players/citizens. The politics might make us harsh at times, but as soon as someone brings up hockey or something, we're the best of friends. After all, I'd say we're friendly even though we do have differences in viewpoints. For example, take the current state of eCanada politics, the two sides are divided over being in CoT or at least the way we went about entering. In the media you might see long angry debates, but at the same time, on irc or talking one on one with a player is very different. Sometimes after a long wipe, a little debate however heated can be good for countries.

Do you think Canada will ever join TWO?

I highly doubt we'd do that, considering eCanada has had the same allies for a while now. I don't think we'd consider joining a side that had Serbia/Hungary/ABC on it for a while. Thing change all the time though, so you never know right? One thing that needs to be fixed though, is the lack of balance between the big two alliances...

Have you ever been tempted to leave and try another eCountry?

Sometimes I do, but I've known most eCanadians for 4 years now, so it'd be sort of weird to start someplace new. Eventually I would like to try some new countries, I haven't thought too much about it though.

And finally, being a long time player what has kept you returning day after day to the game? Is there any IRC channels you would suggest to any young eAussies who want to socialise more with the world eRep community?

The social aspect. The other aspects of the game were killed long ago by Plato. I return for the players, either cause of my role in my MU/Party or my friends.
I would suggest visiting channels of every country around the eWorld. I've made lots of good friends all over the eWorld by just joining a channel to chat, regardless of alliance loyalties. How to you think I met Hugh? 😉
I'd recommend #eCan, #eUK and your own irc channel, you never know who you'll meet.

Stay Classy eAustralia! o7

A huge thank you to Klop123 for agreeing to this and taking the time to reply, It was very much appreciated.

J.D.S is an organisation designed to help new and young players further themselves into the eAustralian community as well as helping them at a time where they are short of food and supplies..this is provided in a series of tasks. The tasks are designed to help new players to eAustralia and if you complete any of these tasks then you will receive 200 Q4 food and 5 Q7 tanks for each task completed. When you have completed a task contact Directors Claire-Louise or Dr Hugh Jardon and we will send you your rewards. It really is that simple because your Government really just wants to help you find your feet, there are no catches, you do not have to repay the rewards back at a later date. So, what are the tasks? Well a list of the 21 tasks can be found HERE so if you want free food and weapons then click the link.

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.