January Media-A-Thon Ends Tomorrow 7 pm ERT

Day 2,984, 13:45 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca
Reminder January Media-A-Thon Contest Deadline Looms

Hey folks just want to let everyone know that at 7 pm ERT tomorrow the January Media-A-Thon comes to an end and voting begins among the eUSA media department on your articles to figure out top five for the contest.

On Saturday January 23rd when final top five standings for the contest will be posted. Articles are always being posted by the minute, hour, and day. If there is article that you like to submit that has written as earlier as Sunday January 10 please let myself or Jaden A know. It should be noted this a government contest, not a private contest run by myself.

I will release final update on latest articles tomorrow Friday after 7 pm ERT deadline time.


In the government run contest we mark the first week of the January Media-A-Thon as we head toward into week 2. We want to encourage you in the private media to write articles and remain active to get your voice. It is important to keep people informed of what is ongoing daily around eUSA and in the political parties of events and to recruit people.


Here the rules again in case anyone missed it and anyone who writes an article is automatically submitted into the contest:

Choose a subject that interests you to write about in an article. It can be literally anything from a war story, to a poem, to something funny, to a commemoration of a recent lost dead soldier, to your best anti-Serbia propaganda. For the next two weeks members can write freely and top five get to win some gold. Members of the media department will be reading all articles. Be sure to vote for articles to keep them in the Top 5 nationwide!

5 gold for #1
4 gold for #2
3 gold for #3
2 gold for #4
1 gold for #5

Now get to writing! Any eUS citizen is eligible to win some gold who places in the top 5 nationwide! On Jan. 23rd a champion will be crowned!

James Schubert, dSoM