Is this the end for the UK?

Day 1,716, 23:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ayame Crocodile

The title is misleading, i'll give you that but events today have probably changed the future of the eUK or have at the very least shown that we are not as respected within ONE as we may have been lead to believe.

Just a few weeks ago Spain announced her departure from ONE citing that the alliance was far to Balkan-centric and alongside this the announcement mentioned not just that Spain hadn't felt empowered or supported by the alliance but also mentioned was one other nation that had, in the Spanish view, been neglected by ONE and pushed to the sidelines. That nation my friend was our's.

However that being said the UK remained loyal to ONE, most especially Poland and Serbia who have long been great allies to the UK as attested to by Poland's outstanding and much praised defense of the UK and ousting of France from our green and pleasant homeland.

But then came the Polish referendum, which was won by a staggering 76% of the population voting to leave one, the Polish reason once again was that ONE was far too Balkan-centric. And though this decision surely resonated within the eUK community it has hardly been spoken about publicly. So once again the UK remained loyal to ONE.

Now this morning, i came home to see not 1, not 2 but all 3 of my Macedonian friends had fought in the Paris Isle RW against Poland and for FRANCE!

This was clearly meant to show Macedonia's butthurt at the Polish People's decision (despite the polish announcement stating they wished to remain friendly with ONE nations and their former alliance allies).

However this leads to one of two possibilities either the Macedonian decision makers didn't even consider the UK and we don't feature at all in their thought process despite being allies or far worse the Macedonians could care less whether this was a slap in our face or not.

There is an old adage which i think sums this situation up rather well;
'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' and just as clearly it stands to reason that 'the friend of my enemy is my enemy'

So whether the Macedonians intended to offend us or not, they have knowingly aided Our most sworn enemy, the very nation who until recently was occupying the majority of our homeland and with that have betrayed the very nation who came most to our aid Poland!

We do still have allies within ONE, most of which have helped us, but this move by Macedonia is a terrible and heinous. They've aided our enemy and have forced us to choose between an Alliance which now has a member helping our enemy or a long time and trusted ally.

We are now stuck between ONE nations on the one hand and Poland on the other. With this kind of action it's clear we can't be allies with both and have the same respect back from either especially if we have to ignore either's request for our aid.

If this blows up into a full scale war then what do we do?

Try and say we're in ONE but not get involved and also not defend Poland? Neither side will see that as what an ally should do. And rightfully so because that's not what an ally should do!

Though it would pain me to leave some great allies behind (though hopefully we could keep a good relationship with most, most especially Serbia whom i still have the greatest respect for) it must be said that Macedonia has given us far less reasons to remain in ONE and pushed us further away, Poland and Spain's respect for the UK clearly outweighs theirs and i have to say in my opinion it's there that a successful future for the uk now appears to lie.

And so back to this articles title (minus the extra shock by ommision of two words):

Is this the end for the UK... in ONE?

Thank you for reading and please share your own opinion.

Ayame Crocodile.

ps. sorry for any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and a major lack of pretty graphics but it has been rushed at a god awful hour after a long shift.