Day 366, 12:13 Published in South Africa South Africa by kiwifire1

INGSOC, Who are they? What are they? What do they want with eS.A?

INSOG claim to be a multinational political movement that is divided into four main ministires. They are the Ministry of Peace, The Ministry of Plenty, The Ministry of Truth and The Ministry of Love. Their sole goal is to take over the eworld one country at a time by monopoly of all things such as politics, ecomney and military.

Once the Party has won a presidental election they set up these four ministries and appoint loyal, active members of the party to run them. Then they go on a recuriting drive an attemp enlist more people into the party. Once they have enough people, the four ministries then become there own political partys which in turn forms a monopoly on eS.A. politics. You cannot start a resistence war because they control all by the vote and legleally can run the country. All congrees will be party members from one of the four party's which INGSOC control. They would have you think it "political stability" You reckon that CAU a problem folks, well they are nothing compared to this lot.

The Ministry of Peace (Newsspeak-MiniPax)

This there term for the military. There goal is to form a private army to go around the eWorld and fight other people wars and conflicts for a price. If they cannot obtain a contract at the right price they then supply troops to both sides to prolong the war so they can obtain a contract they desire or until the conflict ends. Their goal is to pimp out troops for money and in doing so controling the war for there own desired outcome. The Soilders off the party will become eS.A military. They intend to use them as eWorld policeman and to defend there party at all cost. I believe that "TEACHER' heads this group in eS.A.

The Ministry of Plenty (Newsspeak-MiniPlenty)

They intend to form a monopoly on all countires businesses. They will use the money from this monopoly to prop up INGSOC countries under there control. The rest of the money is to start new INGSOC companys in non-INGSOC countires. The other reason to form INGSOC company's is to provide job for the troops of the party. Example, if you are a party member and you get a job with one of the INGSOC companies, they will adjust you wage to lets say 15 ZAR a day. If you are not a party member you will be paid 1.5 ZAR a day.

The Ministry of Truth (Newsspeak-Minitrue)

This is the propergander department. There job is to provide information from around the world on how they see things and want they want you to see. There job is to give information to help control the will of the people and keep things calm. They intend on try to keep you thinking along the party's line. I believe "WATCHER" runs this department. We can call him Gobbels.

The Ministry of Love (Newsspeak-Miniluv)

Another PR department. I dont know what the dilly is with this one. They state they will use this for to make sure that the people are shown the party knows whats best for them. Looks like an attempt to control all people by way of media.

These morons are evil and they intend to enslave the world. It looks like eS.A is the testing ground for there attemps to take over the eWorld. If you reckon Im telling porkys or pull this out of a magic hat, then I suggest you have a gander at this.

Watcher siad to me in a comment he was a congressmen in the eU.S.A. It appears he did not like be a small fish in big pond. Forget him wnating to be the big fish in the small pond, he wants the whole lot forhimself and his bunch of power and money hungry morons. Folks, these people are dangerous. I would rather side with CAU on this. All the Croats want is there own country. These clowns want the eWorld starting with us.