In a World Full of Complaints

Day 951, 21:10 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure just what about the erepublik world is pissing me off the most right now. On one hand there is the non-stop protests against V2. Then along comes 1ronman and his massive scandal, oh and now he plans to start up another COBRA. And of course, who could forget that 2-3k gold PER MONTH that we missed out on. Oh boy.

First off: V2. Who here has decided to take a gander and look around at V2 Beta ? It seems that this glimpse of the future of eRepublik has upset a rather large number of players. Why? Well, for starters just about everything can be improved if you are loaded with gold. You can lose less wellness at work, train strength faster, learn new professions faster, and improve your happiness….faster.

Obviously, along with everything else implemented that is designed to drain gold from the game, people don’t seem to like it.

Kitty Break! (come on, who doesn’t like kitties?)

Well isn’t he just adorable? All snuggled up in the…uh…

Yeah, so people don’t seem to like the idea of owning less gold because of the simple fact that everyone else will be taking advantage of the bonuses by spending their own gold. Some feel “required” to pay for everything if they want to stay near the top at whatever it is they are paying for.

If it really matters that much to you to have the best citizen no matter what, then I suggest you go explore the great outdoors for a few hours, or maybe go connect with some friends you haven’t talked to since being born in the eworld.

Also I have some news for all of you: eRepublik is run by a company. Through eRepublik we all know how to run a company. If you’re running losses then why should you keep providing whatever it is you’re providing? The makers of eRepublik don’t want to be the noob-run Q1 wood company in a low productivity region- no, they want to be the Q5 housing company that rakes in the cash.

Kitty Break!

Oh, 1ronman, 1ronman… I’ll stay out of this.


Oh my… How did that get in there?

Oh well, cat’s are overrated anyways…


We just missed out on about 2000-2500 gold PER MONTH. PER %*$#@$# MONTH
Seriously? We couldn’t just rent out a pretty much worthless region to us for that much gold? Do any of you realise how much 2500 gold is? Why…its…ugh…you see? It’s too big to be able to compare something to! You could spend your way through V2 for weeks with that! (and that’s saying something) Some reasons for not agreeing with it were the potential failure of Poland passing through Scotland.

Why wouldn’t we agree to it, and then if they failed to get past Scotland then the deal is off? Did anyone realize that if we didn’t want to give up a region that Poland could just head a little further south for the exact same thing?

Why didn’t we agree to this? Why?

Do we not trust Poland? Do we think that a nation that has been our allies for ages and has no history of backstabbing would backstab us? Even if something were to go terribly wrong then I have a story for you…

This story takes place almost exactly a year ago when good ol’ Peace was readying itself for a full-blown invasion of North America. During the process Canada was wiped entirely from the map and our country was in ruins- but it was fun as hell. Anyone who was there can verify that activity rose to new heights and I for one had never had so much fun on eRepublik.

Anyways, that’s my response to “what if everything goes horribly wrong” type of argument.

In conclusion: Everyone take a chill pill
