I Dream of Jizzie

Day 470, 13:18 Published in South Africa Sweden by Jizzie McGuire

Hello my friends. I come to you on this last day before the March presidential elections filled with pride and excitement (and a certain sexiness). I am proud of our South African citizens, from all parties, who have been so active and eager to take part in the democratic process. Sure, some have gotten into bitter debates and arguments, but for the most part, the candidates have been treated, and treated each other, with respect not seen in past elections. I know that many of you worry that the divisiveness that has emerged, particularly between the BLF and FA, will carry on past the election, but I assure you that will make my administration the most inclusive ever. I am not only excited about the election itself, which looks to be the closest ever, but also about the challenges and goals we will be tackling under the next administration. Whoever the next president is, he will have his work cut out for him. Let the sexiest man win.

I have explained on many occasions why I feel that I am the best candidate. You have also seen my supporters from various parties explain their reasons for voting Jizzie. I would like to thank all of you for expressing yourselves publicly and for promoting our cause. I never wanted to be president for any other reason than to improve the state of our country. My campaign is for the people and I have to say it has been very satisfying to see everyone “do their bit” to make and get the word out. Turnout will likely be the highest we’ve ever had it. Even if I were to lose the election tomorrow, I will consider my campaign a sexy success.

One of the most contentious aspects of my campaign, especially to the more conservative eSA citizens, was the support shown to me by the socialist and communist SACP and the Rad & Black Party. Perhaps because Browski and I had such similar platforms, the opposition felt that this was a good point to focus and attack me on. I don’t blame them, but the implication that I am a socialist is misleading and unfounded. Yes, the BLF is a center-left party which began as a far-left party. With the loss of our more socialist-minded founders and the arrival of more centrist thinkers like Roan, Austerion and Vellos, the BLF became a party more about pragmatism than ideology (you can read about all this in Roan’s recent article in the Defender). As one of the 5 founders, I was the most centrist of the group, and have steered the party towards the middle as my comrades left eR.

This is not to say that we do not accept and support our socialist and communist friends. They are all eSA citizens and as such, deserve to be heard. Unlike the FA, we have encouraged the far left to join with us, whether they join the BLF or ally with it, in the hopes that a greater number of voices and ideas will bring us better solutions for our many problems. The BLF is not a socialist party and I am not either, but we examine the issue and if the solution calls for socialist measures, we will take them. If capitalism is the way to go, we will enact capitalist measures. It is all about finding the right solution to the problem, not about using one ideology as a cure-all for everything. On the flip side, we also welcome and encourage input from our conservative friends as well, which is why I plan to include FA members in my administration as well as representatives from all of eSA’s active parties.

One of the other “socialist” agendas I have been accused of fostering, and perhaps one of the main things Browski and I disagree on, is in regards to the SAHC. While Browski and I both agree that this company, led by Lucien Morjuet, is a good and necessary one for the health and future of our people, we differ on how to fund it. Browski does not support any government funding for the eSAHC, as he believes that it can function privately and through donations – please correct me if I am wrong, Mr. Browski. I do not disagree entirely, but I do think there will be times when the money dries up or when the program barely runs on a shoestring budget. Therefore, I believe that a small stipend from the government would be helpful to make sure the program stays solvent, but only when the government can afford to do so and only if the eSAHC is willing to accept government assistance. Yes, the SAHC should function largely on private donations as it is a private company, but this is the health of our people and nation we are talking about, so I don’t think relying on the charity of citizens will always be the best way to keep the company running. If this is socialist, then so be it. I am more concerned about keeping our people healthy and strong than worrying about looking like a communist, socialist or capitalist.

So if you want a president who is active and open to all suggestions, you might want to vote Jizzie. If you want a unified government and someone who is not afraid to either negotiate or fight, then vote Jizzie. If you want intelligence, experience and a sense of humor in your president, then by all means, vote Jizzie. If you want to put an end to internal division and stand tall as a unified nation, then vote Jizzie. If you want serious action towards getting the occupied lands back, then Jizzie is your man. If you want action, not words, vote for me, Jizzie McGuire. If you want the sexiest president in the e-world, then who else would you vote for, but the Jizzman himself? Thank you, my friends. I hope to see all of you at the polls tomorrow.