I Am Back

Day 1,699, 18:35 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

It has been several months since the last time I have written to all of you. When I was away from this community, I began to realize how much fun I had while I was a prominent member of Swiss society. Well, I am glad to let all of you know that I intend to be active again.

Just a little bit about me for those of you who might not know me... I moved here from Belgium near the end of October 2011. After that, once I had gained the trust of the experienced players of Switzerland, I took up greater responsibilities such as being Minister of Foreign Affairs. For several terms, I was thus the crucial diplomatic speaker for Swiss freedom, since at that time Switzerland was under the constant occupation of the Slovenians. Eventually, after having lived here for some months, I decided to run for the prestigious title of Country President. Serving two terms, I was able to secure a more stable foreign policy for Switzerland, as well as work on some social demands of the Swiss community. So... that's just a brief summary of the old days... I guess you could call it that. There was a lot of fighting, yes, but I miss those times, those times which now feel like ancient history.

Anyways, I am writing this article to inform everyone of my yearning to once again become a contributing member of society. And so, I would like to begin this new chapter with a new party... I plan on founding the Swiss Peace Party, a party which is welcoming towards all, and of course, advocating diplomacy above military force. However, when I quit some months ago, I gave all my money away, and so now I have no funds to establish such a party. That is why I would like to request all of you who are interested in helping me form this new movement to donate. Any donations will greatly be appreciated. Merci beaucoup, and don't forget, Switzerland is a beautiful country. Hail Switzerland!

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
Le Diplomat