Hrvatska u SuperSavezu - Da ili Ne?

Day 968, 22:10 Published in Croatia North Macedonia by Ghost Axior" />
eSentinel, No. 40., Dan 968." />

U javnost je šokantno procurio predloženi tekst sporazuma o osnivanju novog SuperSaveza između šest zemalja među kojima je i eHrvatska, kao i informacija da je 5 od 6 spomenutih država načelno podržalo mogućnost osnivanja takvog saveza, dok je Mađarska za sada ostala suzdržana.

Razlog Mađarske suzdržanosti je činjenica da su prije 2 mjeseca oni i Poljaci bili inicijatori oformljavanja ovakvog saveza, a Hrvatska na čelu s Apachem ga je stopirala pri čemu su još Mađari u međuvremenu izgubili i svoju najdragocjeniju regiju, Hello Kitty.

Osim Hrvatske u tom savezu bile bi još Rumunjska, Poljska, Španjolska, Mađarska i Srbija.

Uostalom pročitajte sami originalni tekst sporazuma, na engleskom jeziku:

1. This alliance is a testament to the co-operation of European peoples throughout the ages. Our unity and ingenuity, as well as conflict, have brought us to where we are today. We now turn a new leaf in the pages of history, and make our mark on the New World by coming together and creating this divine union of nations.

1.1. The member states of the Superalliance are: Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and Spain. They are all equal in the alliance chain of command.
1.2. A country can join the alliance only by a unanimous vote between the member states.

2. The member nations vow to respect and protect the other members in the Alliance in case of an enemy attack.

3. The involved countries will vow to never attack or endanger a fellow member`s Original or Non-Original regions and the regions of the Candidate Nations for Joining, except for swaps.

3.1. Candidate Nations for Joining are: Finland, Sweden, UK, Italy and Portugal.
3.2. A country can be bestowed with the Candidate Nations for Joining status only by a unanimous vote of the member states.

4. The member states are obliged to return any original regions of a fellow member state.

5. All spoils of war gained with the help of the whole alliance will be shared among the involved countries equally when possible (i.e. High Regions.)

6. The Alliance structure will consist of the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Education and Information Council, and the Court of Justice.
6.1. The General Assembly will consist of the current Country Presidents, the current Ministersof Defense and Foreign Affairs of each member country.
6.2. The Security Council acts as the Alliance HQ. It is headed by the Secretary General, who acts as the de facto leader of the alliance. It is a position that is envisioned to be that of the “alliance moderator,” and the alliance’s chief administrative officer." The Secretary General is deputized by the Deputy Secretary General of the alliance.
6.2.1. The Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General are elected as a 2-man ticket for a 1 month term.
6.2.2. The Security Council will have 6 other elected members. The roles will be as follows: Chief Military Tactician, Military Commander, Deputy Military Commander, Financial Director, Media Director, and Foreign Affairs Coordinator.
6.2.3. The members of the Security Council are elected by the General Assembly for a 1 month term.Each member state is to be represented in the Security Council.
6.3. The Economic and Social Council assists the General Assembly in promoting financial, economic and social cooperation and development in the alliance. It will be composed of the Financial Director of the alliance, and the Ministers of Finance, Economy, Industry, Commerce and Internal Affairs (player aid department) of member states.
6.4. The Education and Information Council assists the General Assembly in improving the educational development of our citizens, as well as information potential and media activities in the alliance. It will be composed of the Media Director of the alliance, and the Ministers of Education, Information, and Communication of the member states, as well as members of the alliance’s and member states’ press teams, and educational experts.
6.5. The Court of Justice is the primary judicial organ in the alliance. It will handle any disputes or complaints by member states or its citizens against other member states or its citizens.
6.5.1. There will be 1 Judge elected from each country for a 1 month term.

7. Anything else that is not covered in the treaty will be handled by a principle of fairness,
brotherhood and good sense.

8. USA can never join this alliance in any way.


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Istinitost ovih navoda potvrdio mi je jedan visokopozicionirani izvor, kojega naravno zbog delikatnosti situacije ne mogu imenovati.

Što se ovog saveza tiče, dvojba se nameće samo po sebi. Trebamo li ući u zajednički savez sa Srbima i Mađarima ili ostati lojalni saveznicima i riskirati da se jedan takav savez oformi bez nas?

Koji je vaš stav?" />

Ova vijest poput požara se proširila eSvijetom, pa u komentarima na članke koje ću vam linkati možete vidjeti što o osnivanju ovakvog saveza misle igrači ostalih eDržava." />

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