How low will they go?

Day 1,833, 03:27 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

The character assassination of Wingfield and the Green and Gold Party continues.

Today, this email went out from Minister of Defence James Rellori

This is a false, misleading and defamatory statement made by a Government Minister.

eRepublik data shows that the multies banned in the previous 72 hours were from the PPA and AIP.

Furthermore, if Wingfield had partaken in creating mutli accounts, he would have been banned by the eRepublik admin.

As you'll note he has not been subject to any action by eRepublik admin.

Accusing someone of cheating in this game is a serious offence, both on a rules and morale basis.

This was a clear attempt to destroy a person's character and gut the party of it's remaining members.

I therefore call upon the Prime Minister, Ranger Bob to condemn the actions of James Rellori and dismiss him from the MoD role.

Mr Crumpets
On behalf of the Green and Gold Party