How Greenimp got his name: True story!

Day 1,551, 06:42 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33
This story was told just now on Skype by Greenimp himself. I have merely added in some pictures. 🙂

Greenimp: Well actually, "the green imp" is a name I earned when I was travelling through Mongolia a couple of years back.

Arfman: after that game of goat polo greenimp?

Greenimp: Oh no Arfman.

Greenimp: I was the guest of a Kahn.

Greenimp: Dayan Ochir Khan

Greenimp: Very powerful man.

Greenimp: I was invited to dinner, and apparently my admittedly sometimes "off" humour was taken for an insult.

Greenimp: So I was challanged to pay a debt of honour in blood, or sit with the women (A deadly insult in the court of the Kahn)

Savonrepus: clearly you didnt go vistitng Kahn for his good looks

Binda33: I'd sit with the women..?

Savonrepus: I would stay with the women

Greenimp: It's symbolic of loss of face as a man.

Greenimp: You must understand that in that culture it's a terrible thing.

Binda33: but you still get to peer at their chicks 😛

Greenimp: The difference between being an honoured guest and a slave.

Savonrepus: surely you went as a diplomat greenimp

Greenimp: So, of course, being an experienced fencer, I accepted the challange to face the champion of the Kahn.

Binda33: so you had to take your shirt of and fight to the death instead?

Greenimp: Not to the death, that's barbaric

Greenimp: until someone begs for quarter.

Savonrepus: quarter or water?

Binda33: 25 cents is all it takes? 😛

Greenimp: Now, the champion of the Kahn is a very large man.

Greenimp: The name "mongo" comes to mind

Greenimp: As is only polite, I was offered a choice of blades to face off agains the champion, who favoured a fairly large axe himself.

Greenimp: Now, my personal weapon of choice is the French Smallsword. Light, fast, and deadly in the hands of a trained swordsman.

Binda33: pointy end points out, right?

Greenimp: But no such sword was available in Mongolia, of course.

Greenimp: Not for the Mongols the subtly dirty fighting style of Liancour or the nobleman Olivier.

Greenimp: No, the closest weapon I could find was something akin to a dirk.

Greenimp: (A dirk not being that much shorter than a small sword)

Binda33: yes, we all know what a dirk is 🙂

Greenimp: Well, as I think you can all gather, I had something of an advantage when it came to speedy strikes.

Greenimp: although a buckler was available, I decided it would be so much tin-foil when pitted againt a rather imposing axe.

Greenimp: So, as the rather large gent in front of me took his first swing, I made a sudden leap backwards!

Arfman: you don't get in the way in goat polo

Greenimp: And before he could recover from his missed swing, I leapt forward, inside the range of his swings, and plunged my blade deep into his shoulder (Not wishing to kill the man of course, this being no fight to the death)

Greenimp: Now, though this man was quite imposing, it turned out he was not the hardiest of people, and he immediatly crumpled to the ground in sheer agony.

"I turned to an applauding Kahn, and was granted the title of "the green imp" for my quick, impish moves, and because my hiking gear was almost all green."

The End.