How does it hveel ..

Day 3,375, 12:02 Published in USA Croatia by Sagittarius A Star

.. to be a hvemale?

I wudn't wanna be a creature with a hole.
I watch documentaries about universe nowadays, they make me sleepy, but i learned that d!cks and vag1nas don't matter in the big picture.
That's comhvorting.
Scientists say - Man is special. His intellect, his creativity blah blah
That's bs.
D1ck is the force that shaped this planet.
That's why it looks so tragic.

So i need a mathematician now.
To calculate
How many d1cks wud hvit in a Jupiter.
Or Venus.

For example

Ihv my organs don't work properly
the love ohv my lihve hvinally realized the brutal truth about d1cks and evolution and decided to leave ...
ihv i consider wasting money on this game
ihv i hveel extreme guilt hvor getting drunk and sending smses to people who don't give a hvuck about me
ihv i osturbate 5 times and think that it caused damage to my sensitive and emotional side
ihv somebody in the vicinity dies and i get this dark hope that it will end my hvear
ihv i think about cancers or complications
sometimes i wish ihv everyone wud just shut the hvuck up and let me lick their hvine solid organs

whatever there is
it's all so hopelessly irrelevant

I see people smile with no reason.
Those are stupid smiles.
Sometimes you have a discomhvort in your right testicle.
Even ihv you were programmed to smile
it will wipe out the smile hvrom ur hvace
You will worry
D1cks and planet?
Have I hvailed?

But it's all irrelevant
in comparison to this

So I hope it happens sooner than later

Remember, there must be some beauty and justice

in extinction