hi u had elections

Day 3,334, 19:25 Published in USA Croatia by Sagittarius A Star

that chick is always writing

maybe she loves herself

it's the medal thing

my bet is on the medal thing

and both yes

kawhai is good

listen i knew a russian girl

i had fear all my life

but when i knew her

i had no fear

i had peace

some of them judged me for that

now i have drink

cuz i had none for new year

i live in gipsy country

you bombed us

cuz you're smart
you know things

while u were bombing

i was going around army facilities
i hoped to die

but you failed miserably

i'm still here

you shud kill me

cuz now ...

soon my d!ck will stop working

and i will have no place to be

male without testosteron is a ticking bomb

i will come to your house, charles

i will punish your wife and your dog

and you will feel sorry for your failure
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