Hi i

Day 3,402, 02:53 Published in USA Croatia by Sagittarius A Star

don't know which day is today.

Somebody talked to me about dying and finality.

Hi i did an interview
this is someone else

1. Do i occupy large portion of your memory?
- No

2. Could i ever be decent?
- You are more decent than most people I know

I had to stop there.
I expected insults.

I like the space you occupy.

But that's not enough.
Not enough.

They say Sun was also in that binary regime.
But the other star left somewhere wandering.
Ain't that sad?
Maybe it's dead.

I never was in binary mode.
Except after birth.
I had a twin.
Twin left somewhere wandering.

I don't think it was crucial bond.
But then again, I was wrong about so many things.

I developed a some kind of repulsion for people who talk about "understanding".
I hate the word understanding.
Like here I am, I'm very important, I need to be understood.
That's crucial.

I'm not understood = I'm special.

I don't know why everything here is drama.
If I had a gun I wud be more powerful.
"more" is extra item in that sentence.
It means that I already am powerful in a way.
I'm not.

Anyway I wanted to write about elections.
And to thank 14 multies which voted for me.

But I didn't sleep.

Behind this is cancer, bottom and illusion that you can mock universe.
But I tried to avoid using these words.

Someone could take me seriously.

Oh ...