Heroes Stand Up Against Wave of Terror

Day 424, 05:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo
Amidst the horrific crime spree been waged by criminal mastermind The Shadow, and the indecisive, diffident government failing to act, two people have took the law into their own hands.

The 'eUK League of Justice' have began fighting back against the dastdardly this dastardly villain. Whether they can curb the gathering storm is unknown but the public have given their full support to the the League of Justice, seemingly investing in any kind of hopefullness in these near hopeless times.

The identity of these two caped crusaders is as of yet unkown, but when we tracked one of them down they had this to say 'We cannot let such evils take place in eUK. The people deserve better and forever more we will strive to give them it.'

They already made their first step on the path to justice this week by exposing disgraced congressman Ares as the notorious peeping tom 'Apollo'. Having handed him over to our great Police Seargent Ip Lockard, the women of eUK can rest safe in the knowledge that they can go to the toilet without being watched (unless they choose to let someone do so of course).