Going into bat for DocterDry2

Day 1,786, 17:59 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good Morning eAustralia,

Every now and again we come across ill-informed articles. Those looking for the 'gotcha' element. I should know, I've written plenty in my eLife.

So a few days ago I was browsing through eRepublik and our community forums when I spotted this lazy piece of journalism... http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-gpn-enough-is-enough-2134568/1/20

There and in the forums, DD2 was called out for not fighting in battles for eAustralia.

Well folks, I'm putting on the pads and picking up the willow to go into bat for DocterDry2.

Mr Crumpets dispatches Molly Jo Caine to the boundary

For those that have been around long enough to remember my original character CrowdedHouse (over three years ago), will also remember eRepublik was a VERY DIFFERENT game that what it is today.

The original ads promoting eRepublik showcased the different roles people could play in the game.

We DID NOT have to be war heroes to play an effective role. The makers of the game also promoted heavily the roles of media and politics.

For some players (like DD2, Infin, etc...) politics was more appealing to them and their strongest skill in this game. In fact, Binda is probably more a politician than war hero - she has a bigger body count in party rooms than on the battlefield (I'm still trying to get the knife out of my back).

For others (like Myself and former player Aeros) we were kings of the media. Aeros had the must read paper in the game, with his daily unbiased and detailed analysis of all wars in the game. Myself, I was the king of controversy, always whipping up a frenzy each election and sabotaging many campaigns through the use of the Ads module (now scrapped by admin).

Mr Crumpets salutes his loyal readers

So what does this all mean? It means some of us weren't attracted to the war part of the game when we signed up. We signed up for all the other features of the game. In fact, there any many loved the economics side of the game (until admin screwed that up).

If the game was all about 'bang, bang, shoot em up' war, well there are heaps of other games where we can do that.

eRepublik is so much more and many of us (specially DD2) prefer spending our time 'playing' that part of the game.

If you can't deal with it... here's 50 cents from me... go call someone who cares!

Mr Crumpets.