Go East!

Day 3,948, 01:35 Published in Belgium Belgium by Director9

Onwards we go, go east. Want to catch up, read this.

Let's zoom in on movement. A time penalty, no fighting can be done during moving.

Not going in to the detail about how much time a movement penalty would exactly, finding such a balance you'd need more data about the players and such.

There are several options though. We could make moving from one region to another in one go, using the distance used now, or to make it more subtle, move to a neighbouring region and then get the choice for the next neigbouring region. My preference would be the latter. A little more clicking, but I'm sure the smart script writers will soon adapt.

The time penalty itself, distance is a factor, but maybe influences should be applied on the distance/time. To make moving large masses of smaller players more important (if we assume that the region thing about being able to fight is in effect) we could negatively affect the bigger players, ie make them slower.

Factors that can be used : strength, rank, storage size, inventory but not XP 😛 . The higher, the slower one moves across the field.

Just again some basic thoughts.

Watch this space for more nonsense.

PS Subscribe at least, although the articles are just the same old cr*p you see every day, I'm trying to get that last medal on the board. FYI the let your friends join medal is imho more of a want-to-get-rid-of-friends medal 😃