Give them power and you'll see what they are

Day 1,126, 06:37 Published in Croatia Turkey by Semper5

When kids are playing God

Ok, now let's write one rational article. Let's talk about what this game was once upon a time, what is now, what will be and what should be.
First of all, let me point out a word GAME. What is a game? A game is something that should entertain people, something that should make people satisfied and happy. Something we can enjoy in. And eRepublik was exactly that, a long time ago. We really had fun playing this game. One of the most important and unique feature was a possibility for us to be constructive and creative. Everyone could have find an aspect of the game most suitable for ones needs and be creative. But as time passed by, things has started to change. Not just aspects of the game, not just modules. An atmosphere, circumstances, game rules or "laws" (what a stupidity to call it "laws") started to change, attitude toward players/users or "citizens" (another stupidity) became much more cold, arrogant and disparaging.
I know that there are a certain number of irresponsible even malevolent players that are doing bad things. But punishing the whole eRepublik users' community because of several hooligans is out of any reasonable sense.
Let's talk about creativity. A human kind is generally creative by nature. Of course, there are exceptions, but generally we are creative as a kind generally. Some people are able to fulfill their needs for creativity by doing their jobs. Others have hobbies etc. Why do people have hobbies? It is that need for being creative.
Personally I don't work anymore, I'm retired. I miss my job, I used to love it. So what should I do in my retirement? I have my hobbies – computers, aquariums and eRepublik.

eRepublik as a hoppy?

Yes, of course. In a time I discovered eRepublik I realized that it gives me an opportunity to, a kind of, develop my alter ego. To become somebody else, to build a career other than one in my real life and challenge myself in areas I didn't had a chance in a real life. So I decided to become a virtual businessman and manager, as well as journalist. And it was great. It gave me new challenges every day. I have to admit that eRepublik made my life at least a little more interesting. I was even ready to pay from time to time, to buy gold packs and additional storage space for my organizations.
And then, something happened. THEY (I don't know who they are, so by THEY I mean eRepublik Labs) started to be destructive. They started to do experiments, changing the game. There were more and more restrictions in every possible meaning. They started to dictate us what we are allowed to write about and what we are not. And besides that, they started to dictate us HOW we are allowed to write about something, in which manner. Any kind of critics became forbidden and only commendations became allowed.

A little bit more about creativity.

One's creativity is reflected not only in content of an article, but also in the visual impression of the article, in its design. They took it from us too. Humor, comics, that makes thousand people laugh and feel good about playing this game also became unwanted and forbidden. If you make some funny video, fully related to the game itself, upload it to YouTube and link it in your article, it will be treated as spam and you will be punished.

Once I had a little discussion with Mr. Alexis Bonte. For those who don't know, Mr. Bonte is eRepublik Labs CEO. So I wrote him a message named "Securitatea lives again?" An in the message I asked him what is the reason for such prohibition. And he answered me that it wouldn't look nice if people can read critics addressed to them, so people could give up playing the game.
Well, for those in eRepublik Labs, dear friends, it's much worst if the people feel it on themselves. Facts are facts and truth is truth, no matter how much we keep quiet about it. Even worst, people are not stupid. They will realize the truth no matter how much repression you apply on us.
You are worried about your image? You can force us to be quiet inside the game, but you can't silence us outside. People will talk, press and magazines will continue to write about games and eRepubik, specialized TV shows will keep talk about it. And most important – your users/players/citizens will write about on their own web sites, blogs, forums, Facebook, Twitter etc. You can't silence them. What kind of public image eRepublik will have depends on you guys at eRepublik Labs. You can't blame your users for your own mistakes.
It seems you are unable to understand that you are the one who making people leave this game or at least to stop paying you real money for something that use to be a good game, but not anymore. It's all up to you.
If someone doesn't believe I can post all my payments so everyone can see. But will pay no more. I have no more reason to pay. You took my favorite game away from me and I'm really angry about it.

Now you can delete this article, you can give me another FP, but you cannot silence me. I have the right to have an opinion and I have the right to say it in public. I'll post this one and many other articles at my blog, at my Facebook profile, maybe even create a Facebook group. You can't shut me up. You can only destroy your own business by incompetent management making silly moves. Repression will only do harm to yourself. Think about it.

Kind regards,

PS. Please, vote this to international (if the article manage to survive till tomorrow)