Freedomfighters, unite!

Day 256, 06:46 Published in Sweden Denmark by pho3nix

To all citizens from occupied terretories:

My fellow comrades, you have lost much. Let me be one of the few Swedes to say that I'm sorry about your loss. Sweden is a rather unstable country. The government is in firm control of power, but as soon as the masses starts to shout for war they decide that it's time to start the tanks and go to war. The people they fear are the real warmongers, the one with monumental conquest ideas without proportion.

I, however, do not belong to those masses. Instead of just getting scared by the angry mobs I yell back. War does not bring more money into our economy, it speeds the rate it flows. War does not bring allies, but enemies. War does not solve problems permanently, period.

And it's time for us to show them that this is a fact, not a theory.

I am asking all Danes, Germans and Poles and freedom loving Swedes who wish to see independant states restored to join the ranks of the DGIN. We are currently the sixth biggest party in Sweden and we are hoping to gain more members with the recent acts of war.

As Benjamin Franklin said, during the founding of the United States of America:
"We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."

Join DGIN today, for a free and independant world in peace!

Par vexillum , lingua , populus - unus terra!