Forming the Para's

Day 350, 11:08 Published in South Africa South Africa by kiwifire1

e.SOUTH AFRICAN 1st Parachute Battalion (Just a suggestion)

Everything written here is just a suggestion and nothing about warfare or forming units should be set in concrete. Warfare is a fluid thing and the units that are involved should be just as fluid. But since the rules of warfare differ in RL than in eworld we need to adjust to this form an equip the best fighting unit to deal with this type of warfare.
The Parachute unit that we are trying to organize should be formed in a battalion type structure. I will explain my reason behind this further on. We need to have command and control. Just like we have a congress and president, but there will be no voting. The command structure should be set up like this.
1. Battalion Commander x1
2. Company Commanders x3
3. Platoon Commanders x9
4. Paratroopers x45
Why are ranks not assigned? Due to the fact that the admin staff had already given people ranks in the game, from Private to Field Marshal, I thought “TITLE RANKS” would be easier to assign people and then people would know where they stand in the Battalion. For example, you could have a Sergeant as the Battalion Commander as this person may be better at running, deploying and fighting the Battalion than let’s say someone who has earned the rank on Major due to the fights they have entered and won could be a Squad Leader.
The structure may not be at a Battalion size at first due to the fact we may not have enough volunteers at first or people at the desirable skill level to round out a whole Battalion. We may only have enough people to form a Company. The Units should be formed out like this.
1. 1st Parachute Battalion
2. Alpha Company, Bravo Company, Charlie Company
3. (Each Company) 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Platoons
4. (Each Platoon) = 5 Paratroopers each

Why should the Units be set up like this? This gives the above units structure and flexibility. For example. Let’s say Indonesia invades. They invade us on two fronts. One of the fronts is Free State and the other is Pretoria. The Battalion Commander can send Alpha and Bravo Company to each state to bolster the defense of each of the State’s Commando’s Units. This leave’s Charlie Company in Reserve to replace Alpha or Bravo Company’s once they pull back to restock weapons, go to the Hospital and rest.

Another example could be that the President and Congress vote on and agree to send Troops to support a friendly nation that we have a defense pack with. They can send one Company, or even one platoon. Then this does not leave us weak or open to attack from a greater force. At the same time we maintain our commitments to our friends.


Let’s use the example of Indonesia invading us again. Alpha and Bravo Company are fighting in two different States against the invading force. The Company Commanders can then fight his units in a way that conserves his troop’s weapons and strength. He or she could order only one of their Platoons at a time to fight and send them into battle as needed. Since the first stage of war can end within 24 hours if the defending force maintain or exceeds the 100,000 points mark, the Battalion Commander may send in his whole force in the last half hour of the 24 hour period to achieve the 100,000 point mark to defeat the enemy and end the war in that state.

My point is that it gives the commanders the flexibility to achieve the goal of attacking or defending to win and end the conflict quickly. This then lets the Para’s return to everyday life and also ensures that our economy keeps ticking over. (I’ll leave that part to the financial wiz kids to deal with.)


1. This is a volunteer unit only
2. Each Para can be dismissed by the Battalion Commander for infringements of rules
3. Each Para must train everyday
4. No Para can be a merceney for any other army once they sign up, unless they request leave from there Battalion Commander. And then only a limited number may do so at one time.
5. The President and Congress can be the only ones by vote to deploy the Battalion overseas and also the size off the unit to be sent.
6. Once ordered to Battle the President and Congress will leave the Battalion Commander to fight his unit as they see fit.
7. The President and Congress can relieve the Battalion of his Command by vote.
8. As a Paratrooper, you will not have any political agenda’s while in Battle. You will follow all orders of your superior. (Example. A FA member will not disobey an order from his Platoon Commander because he is a CAU member.)
9. All Para’s must keep a wellness level of 80 or higher during peace time.
10. All Para's must have a minium level 4 Training

As laid out by Dues Ex and Brendan in their Newspapers, I think it would be a good thing to look after this unit. Make it a privilege to be able to join. The Government should have a stockpile of weapons, airline tickets; food and gifts for the Para’s and pay them also. But only pay and supply them when they enter battle. There are reasons for this. One they will fight well and hard for a government who looks after them. The pay should only be paid out once the battle or conflict is over. This give’s the Battalion and Government leverage over there troops. Let’s say a Para does not follow orders and goes of to do as they please. Then they are removed from the battalion and not paid for the days in battle that they fought. They are not resupplied or given food. This gives the Battalion Commander a degree of being able to discipline his unit.


Pay should be set at an average rate. You don’t get rich in the Army. I should know, I spent 8 years in it. This is just a suggestion for the pay levels.

1. Battalion Commander = 8 Zar per day
2. Company Commander = 6 Zar per day
3. Platoon Commander = 4 Zar per day
4. Paratrooper = 2 Zar per day


By no means is this the final or best way to form this unit. It’s a start and something to discuss. I’m sure there are some idea’s out there to adjust and make this a better plan. It’s only a start and a way forward to make eS.A. a safer place for us all. I sent this to Dues Ex for some feed back before posting it for all to read. After some changes I placed this for all to look at. I implore all to add and discuss.