Food-Nation upgrades!!

Day 84, 00:00 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

2 Days ago Food-nation, Part of the glorious S-group. (group that includes S-news media company, food-nation and ammu-nation) has upgraded it's quality level from Q1 to Q2.

We hope to do this improve the standards off UK-residents. I would like to seize the opportunity again to explain to all new ppl the importance of Q2 foo😛

Food is necessary for you wellness. The better food you have, the greater wellness. This wellness increases your productivity and thus causes that you can create more units of a product in the company you are working for.

If you work in a Q1 company, then there is no problem eating Q1 food. When you eat Q1 food while you work in a Q1 company, your wellness will remain the same. It won't increase, nor decrease. If, on the other hand, you start eating Q2 food, naturally, due to the greater quality, your wellness will increase. So Q2 has more benefits then Q1.

If you work in a Q2 company, your are (as a manner of speaking) obliged to eat Q2 or Q3 food. If you remain eating Q1 while you work in a Q2 company, your wellness will decrease and you will eventually die. (you can revive but you will lose all your money and all your skills will decrease by 1) This is of course not the way play this game as you will probably be fired as well by your employer for this.

So to conclude I would like to say the following: Eat Q2 food, buy it at Food-nation; with a great reputation as one of the best company's in the UK. And start stocking food.

kind regards
Holy Director-president-commodore and big chieftain of S-group (media, food and weapons group)

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copyright: S-News. Member of the S-group. Author: Shadowukcs
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