
Day 1,124, 14:29 Published in Serbia Serbia by E=mc^2

Hi my friends! I have some extra food that want to share with you. Three players that answer correctly on my tricky math question in the comments, write number of sub and number of vote with it will get 3 fresh bread. 🙂 Put in the shout link to newspapers if you can. If there is more than three correct answers, I will randomly choose winners. The game will be finished in wednesday at 00:00 eRep time.
Question : In a local pet store, the cats sold for $10.00 each and the canaries sold for $15.00. The total value was $360.00. One night, the owner forgot to close the door and the animals got loose. Two cats and half of the canaries disappeared. If the total value was now $220.00, how many of each were present before the escape?
Question is not so hard as it seems 🙂 Good luck! 🙂