Fight Less, Cooperate More

Day 1,707, 22:10 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut madams and monsieurs,

This is frustrating. Do you know what I have seen in the media lately? A growing division in the Swiss community... the emergence of two distinct factions that are vying for power at the cost of true democracy. Before I recently came back, I too was directly involved in such political conflicts, and yet, at least they were different because it was clear that both sides just simply had two contrasting visions of what was best for Switzerland. But now... I don't know what to think anymore. It's too difficult to handle watching people who I consider to be my friends fighting against one another, attempting to infiltrate each other's inner circle, and even trying to dig up dirt. Political competition has gotten out of hand.

Some of you might think that this is only normal in politics, but let me assure you that Switzerland is not in the position to have in-fighting... we are in a crisis. We are currently under the occupation of the Croatians, and instead of seeking solutions to achieve our long-awaited freedom, what has been done? Internal fighting. Let me reiterate that we are not children... that means no one should be acting like a child. There are better ways of resolving conflicts, and if there needs to be mediation, I am here to facilitate such discussions. I accept that there will always be political rivalry... but when it is at the cost of the freedom of all Swiss people, I will not tolerate such immaturity.

Please... I call upon both sides of this conflict to immediately withdraw from any further accusations. I call upon both sides to cease their mud-slinging campaigns. I call upon both sides to end all of their personal battles. We are Swiss, and we must be unified during tough times such as these. Now is not the time to point fingers at each other. Whoever becomes Country President of Switzerland should be chosen by the will of the people, not by one Party President, nor by one party member. Let everyone choose fairly and equally. Again, I beg all of you to fight less and cooperate more.

Let's fight. Fight for peace.

Peace out,
Monsieur Guillontine
Le Diplomat