False Promises and Uninformed Congressmen

Day 350, 09:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Contary to most articles being written right now, this is not relevent to either the looming presidential elections or the current economic state. There are two political issues that have gone by seemingly unnoticed that I would like to raise.

False Promises

A month ago, each party was putting forward their plans for the coming month in a bid to win votes. Sadly, it would seem one of the three major parties one has not quite acheived this.

UKRP have completley failed to fulfill many promises made in their manifesto of last month

It states 'We will fight to get a malleable Constitution passed' but very little progess has been made on this over the last month

It states 'We will reshape the Department for Work to include a mentoring programme' but no legislation was passed or proposed for this reshape

It states 'The MoF and DoT will have a small portion of their resources dedicated to a datamining operation to keep track of trends in currency exchange rates, gold prices, market shares, and other such economic indicators' but seemingly nothing like this has been put in place or proposed, and even if those departments are doing this anyway, there is no clear defined legislation about this to make sure it stays that way.

It states 'To aid in bridging that gap, we would propose an incentives programme to assist those investing in company upgrades' but an incentive programme was never put in place or even proposed.

Now fair enough, the were the ruling party as we were going into V1 but still, not all of their congressman were directly involved in this preparation, and the other parties had members involved too, but still completed all of their pledges.

So it really has to be asked, why on Earth haven't they acted upon these pledges?

Uninformed Congressmen

The other issue is proposals being put forward without being discussed in congress. A recent proposal on wood taxes (http://www.erepublik.com/en/United-Kingdom/law/485) was made without congressional discussions taking place first, and no link to the debate if one took place.

Personally, I think this should NEVER happen. Despite being very talented, all congressman have weak points, wether that be economics, international politics or whatever. The fact is many will make uninformed choices with out debates.

Aside from the obvious problem of that, there is also the capacity for abuse. If congressman can 'sheep vote' proposals through, without debate, than it becomes very easy for them to explitlaws for personal gain, something particuarly relevant with the currently large amount of GMs and shareholders in congress.

I would like to urge all our congressmen and congresswomen to make sure this kinf of thing is avoided in future.