Fair Game

Day 5,384, 06:46 Published in Japan Ireland by Galloglaigh

It took about 2 minutes for the victim to bleed out. Katana now sheathed, I checked with the parameter team communication channels. That will be one less criminal on the streets of Osaka. Today the Crown Prince, heir apparent, made a decree and the petty arguments brought upon the Ministry he works for have brought out the rats. Rats are easily neutralized. As the hewn corpse was placed in a body bag, to be wheeled off to a burial by sea, communications indicated it was time to secure his lordship and head out of town possibly for another trip to Finland.

There is no honor in working against the Royal family. There has become a deep divide between what people think the game is, and what we make it. While the rats play Plato's game, those secured to the order that has never left the game, will replenish the days of yore.

The black limousines arrived and I addressed his lordship as I entered the smokey interior, "I didn't mean to make such a mess."