Exclusive news from EDEN/Terra HQ!!!

Day 1,235, 04:44 Published in Serbia Chile by EduRaptor

- Our friends from EDEN/Terra got bored from failing at eRepublik, so they decided to try out in something new, a DotA match... The emperor got his hands on game replay, and watched while eating some croasans. It was an interesting and thrilling experience, so here is a short report from first hand!

Bulgaria >>>> Hero: Rikimaru -

- Backstab
- The Stealth Assassin isn`t afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.
• Bonus damage from Backstab can't be evaded.
(We all know how loyal bulgarians are... Here is how they work: Take the country that risked their own position to help its "brothers", announce them as enemies, and then join forces with occupier against all of their allies. Thats not enough for bulgarians, they will use sick paroles from WWII too.. No honour. Good thing Serbian democracy is comming to discipline them a little, in 7 days they will be assembled to the empire)

Romania >>>> Hero: Alchemist

- Goblin`s Greed
- The Goblin converts the creep's corpse into gold. You get more gold for every extra creep you killed in the last 18 seconds.
• Also works on hero kills.
(Adminland. A country run by bogdans and kept on map by divine intervention... Once a big and powerfull country, which is in the last months kept by their big spenders and unlimited gold reservies (??). Once biggest force in the new world, now hungarian province. 3 more kills and bye bye)

Croatia >>>> Hero: Goblin Techies

- Suicide Squad
- Sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Deals massive area of effect damage. The explosion deals less damage if the target is farther away. If you die and kill some units, you will earn gold, but not the experience.
(They basicly destroy themeselfs just in order to harm eSerbia. During the longest war that new world has ever seen, every normal person got bored along the way. Epic battles like ones for Slavonia are no more, and the war became just a stupid ping pong game where no one wins. In some wierd way, this represents a mega giga fun activity to the croatians, disregarding the fact that currently there is no way for them to win. They spend large amounts of RL money to keep their "fun" as long as they can. Currently assembled to the empire.)

USA >>>> Hero: Broodmother

- Spin Web
- Spins a web which grants the Broodmother invisibility in an area, regeneration, as well as a passive speed increase. Regeneration and speed improves per level.
(Never in the real war, they just spin webs and make others fight their battles... USA trols alot against their enemies, and their world famous RL wisdom really shows up in erep too. They live in strong belif that "they are no #1". Occupiers of the people of Texas)

Brazil >>>> Hero: Troll

No abillity... Just troll.
Every of these nations want this hero... But instead of -all pick, Lopmpel set the game mode to -fail, so their "brothers" from Brazil got it first... Brazilians have a lot in common with Bulgarians. Most of us considered them as brothers, but when we refused to backstab our brothers, they joined forces with our enemies, USA, and later even Croatia. Im in strong belief that they should be next after bulgarians. Then freedom for people of texas!

In EDEN/Terra HQ: http://bit.ly/flqI55 | Shout it!!
[article is a joke, and its not made to offend anyone*]

• That was all. FRIENDS! I would like to send you a warm message of friendship from people of eSerbia. Now, more than ever, we can show to each other what Brotherhood really is. Together, and with the help of allmighty SOFTY, we will give them what they deserve! For Slovenia! For Iran! For Macedonia! For Poland! For Indonesia! For Hungary! For Spain! Long live our Brotherhood! For Turkiye! Best wishes from yours truly:

Exiled Emperor of eChile
Akasuna Itachi