Ex President Zocky

Day 370, 15:40 Published in South Africa South Africa by kiwifire1

Ex President and Ex CAU Party President Zocky fought for the Indonesions in the Western Cape and the Northern Cape. He fought against the country he was a leader of. Not only did Zocky steal from eS.A Tresuary, but now he fights againt the country he was once the President of.

Is it a wonder that e.S.A is in such a state of affairs when our political leaders betray there own country, steal from there own people? Is it not time to work to better our country. Sucko, CAU, Croats what is next? You sign a MPP with Indonesia, a country that is not only an enemy of eS.A for the rape and pilage of our country, but then you turn around and sign a MPP with Argentina. It appears you do not know what you are doing? Where are you taking this once great nation?
It makes one wonder with ex-President Zocky, PEACE advisor now living in Java, Captial of Indonesia and that Sucko is so high on Zockys freind list, did they conspire to sign MPP with Indonesia?

The People of eS.A need to band togeather, work togeather, and fight togeather to make us whole and great again. Below is the Proof that Zocky fought for the Indonesions.


Further proof is that Zocky even wrote in one of his Newspapers as a Introduction
